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  1. FrankM

    News: See The USA in a 1961 Chevrolet Corvette convertible

    In those days I had a '61 red with white coves. It was 315 HP with the competition suspension, metalic brakes, close ratio 4 speed and 4:11 posi. Listed for $5100 I played with anything that challenged me until I would decide to floor it and wind it up to 6300 RPM. I would wave bye-bye to them...
  2. FrankM

    normal readings for 88 automatic

    check it with a mechanical gauge to confirm that is the pressure. that pressure is okay anyway, however the senders are just a ballpark pressure reading..
  3. FrankM

    Mobil 1 or Not? New ZZ4 FB

    actually thinner oils carry off heat much better.
  4. FrankM

    Another freakin' warranty question, DIY Maintenance vs dealer?

    [/b] False, keep records and be able to prove it was performed in a generally accepted service practice. False. Although GMPP will find it easier to work with a GM dealer and there will be less questions asked.
  5. FrankM

    1988 Coupe A/C Help

    You will need to show your license
  6. FrankM

    1988 Coupe A/C Help

    I bought some at Pep Boys last year $35 a 12 oz can Pep Boys in Auburn, Maine had it. They don't use much AC there.
  7. FrankM

    1988 Coupe A/C Help

    well at $44 for 1/4 of a pound, 1 pound = $176 Kind of steep. now if the chevy dealer installed 2 3/8 pound for $138 I would say that is a better deal. 1 pound = $58.08 good deal.!!
  8. FrankM

    Trivia Question

    It seems the majority of us got this one correct. It is #3. #1 would not be caused by unfiltered air.A restricted filter would cause lack of engine's ability to increase in rpm's. (can't breathe) #2 the MAF only reads what ever gets past the filter #4 incorrect air supply will not cause...
  9. FrankM

    Trivia Question

    only conclusion for the type of damage would be that "air is breaching the filter", any restriction to the air filter would not cause any of these symptons.
  10. FrankM

    1988 Coupe A/C Help

    AC condenser where the inlet and outlet connect. look for oil stains
  11. FrankM

    1988 Coupe A/C Help

    cycling like yours is usually a sign of a low charge. do you have R12 in it? take a pressure reading to verify switch is operating normal.
  12. FrankM

    Trivia Question

    A damaged air filter will likely cause: 1: Rough idle 2: Incorrect MAF readings 3: Increased wear on cylinder walls 4: Overheating only one is correct
  13. FrankM

    rearend shake/vibration on moderate accell

    You may have a failing torque converter. It slips in lockup??. You have the right symptons. Go to a transmission shop and let them drive it. It you continue to drive it the debris from the failing TC will damage the rest of the transmission. Now is the cheapest time to address it.
  14. FrankM

    Wheel bearing replacement

    I have used the expensive Delco before. They fail when driving autocross style in town. I have used the PepBoys life time warranty bearings made in USA by Chicago Rawhide and find they are just as dependable. Best part is that warranty !!:s
  15. FrankM

    Paint Chip Repair

    I have used that red putty that comes in a (toothpaste type)tube. You can build it up then spot paint it.
  16. FrankM

    Paint Chip Repair

    I used to use that complicated system until I tried the Langka. Now for the last 2 years I do not fear having rock chips. Granted it is not perfect, however you really have to look hard to find the repair. The best $20 I ever spent!!!
  17. FrankM

    Stripped Spark Plug

    you will find that someday, at the worst possible time, the plug will blow out of the hole. You will know by the engine skip and the noise under the hood
  18. FrankM

    How often should I drive the Vette to ensure good maintenance?

    Drive it as much as possible. At the minimum of weekly. In the winter drive it when there is no snow on the ground. The more one does not drive a car the more problems will occur.
  19. FrankM

    High Mileage

    I would buy it in a heartbeat. Of course it depends on its care by previous owner. The cosmetics will tell you alot if you have no history about it.
  20. FrankM

    Auto trans MPG

    I have cruised the Interstates days on end for 27-29mpg.average. Cruise set at 68MPH.
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