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Paint Chip Repair

  • Thread starter Thread starter Denny Nelson
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90Callaway said:
I can see how that would be a problem. :L It brings up a good point too.

Do you have access to a quicker curing paint being in the business? On my Callaway I typically use paint left from my paint job that does not contain hardener so it takes quite a while to cure. I've also used the small Dupli-Color bottles on other cars. That also takes some time to cure and I find it shrinks over a period of days. So, since it's my car and I can drive it with a paint blob or two I wait the week to be sure.

You bring up some excellent insights and I can't thank you enough. When I do Detailing Tech Sessions I have always have told people to use the the touch up paint that is sold at the Dealership. It is worth the extra dollar or two.

However, when a car has been repainted you do run into the potential problem of there not being enough of the hardeners in it.

Just wondering if you have tried the Langka solution yet. After a month delay, I finally got my GM touchup paint, applied it this past weekend, and now I need to smooth out the blobs. "Fortunately" I had only two chips in the nose, so I am not looking at a major "unblob" :L ! Thank you in advance for your recommendations!!

- Gene
Paint chip kits

I now have Langka and Chip Magic products, but still in the box. I figure I will make a good test lab since I have 2 other cars to work on. Frankly, they look very similar and both require purchase of touchup paint at the dealer. Here are the links:



I will let y'all know how it goes as time permits.

Denny Nelson
Re: Paint chip kits

Denny Nelson said:
I now have Langka and Chip Magic products, but still in the box. I figure I will make a good test lab since I have 2 other cars to work on. Frankly, they look very similar and both require purchase of touchup paint at the dealer. Here are the links:



I will let y'all know how it goes as time permits.

Denny Nelson

I have found another touch up company: http://www.autovisuals.com/index.htm
DetailingDude, I saw your reply and emailed autovisuals if they have pens for my '78 S/A:s. I've tried the old ways and it never looks good.
mvftw said:
DetailingDude, I saw your reply and emailed autovisuals if they have pens for my '78 S/A:s. I've tried the old ways and it never looks good.

On my website there will be a guide to rock chip repair. It will make it so that the chips are virtually unnoticable. It will list various options available as well.
Detailing Dude

When will you website be up and running? I now have chip repair goodies from 3 different resources [but I have 3 cars to work on, so I will be experimenting with which product is best on which car and which kind of ding-scratch, gouge etc]. I want to startin about a wekk or so, but do not mind waiting a little longer to see your site. Denny Nelson:)
Hey DetailingDude, did you ever get to use the paint pen?
Anyone have any good ways to handle larger chips? I have several areas, some as big as 1"x2", that are down to the fiberglass. Also, there are other areas where the clear coat is discolored or lifted.

I don't have the money or time to do the entire car now, but I'm thinking of filling and coating the really bad places, so it looks better, at least for now. I'm just not sure how blending the repair into the surrounding area will work out with the clear coat.
berky2500 said:
Anyone have any good ways to handle larger chips? I have several areas, some as big as 1"x2", that are down to the fiberglass. Also, there are other areas where the clear coat is discolored or lifted.

I don't have the money or time to do the entire car now, but I'm thinking of filling and coating the really bad places, so it looks better, at least for now. I'm just not sure how blending the repair into the surrounding area will work out with the clear coat.

I have used that red putty that comes in a (toothpaste type)tube.

You can build it up then spot paint it.
paint chips

I've tried turtle wax with black pigment on my black c5. It appears to cover the small sand/gravel pitting. Have anyone tried the autosharp pens on black paint?
Trial and error!!!!!!!!!


Right now l've been playing with the langka for two weeks and all l can say is that you have to be patient and it works better on some chips then others.
The smaller the chip the harder it becomes, because if you apply too much pressure it will take the paint right out of the chip.

l am now trying to wait one week between applications.

Will keep you updated.

l also noticed that Mother's sells the same product clearly marked
"with Langka Technology". I e-mailed Langka regarding this and they refused to answer my e-mail.


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