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  1. JonJon

    Question: 1986 Clutch Start Switch

    I have it jumped since I replaced the master cylinder. I've let one other person drive the car since I've had it and I was in the car with him. Jonathan.....
  2. JonJon

    Question: 1986 Clutch Start Switch

    Hib Yes, I pulled the hush panel. I also unbolted and removed the knee blocker under the column ( at 6'1" 190# that's the only way I'm going to fit under there to gain access to the retainer pin holding the master cylinder push rod to the pin on the pedal). I can barely see the bottom of the...
  3. JonJon

    Question: 1986 Clutch Start Switch

    Hey Group I just replaced the clutch slave cylinder/master cylinder combo on my '86 coupe. The clutch pedal always had to be all the way on the floor for the engine to crank but since master cylinder replacement, the engine won't crank unless the clutch start switch is jumped. The FSM page...
  4. JonJon

    Question: 1986 Clutch Start Switch

    Hey Group I lust replaced the clutch master cylinder/slave cylinder combo on my '86 coupe. The clutch pedal always had to be on the floor for the car to crank and since the master cylinder replacement the car won't crank unless I jump the clutch start switch connector. The FSM on page 8-B-15...
  5. JonJon

    New to the forums and Corvette ownership!

    Let me be the next to welcome you to the CAC. '84s weren't the fastest cars back in the day but they made up for it in world-class handling. Even if it's not the fastest car out there, at the end of the day, IT'S STILL A CORVETTE!!!!! ;worship As an ancient automotive instructor and an even...
  6. JonJon

    Starter interrupt relay

    FWIW That UTD theft fuse in the holder is probably the horn fuse. That's the location on my '86 along with the horn fuse and one ECM fuse. Jonathan.....
  7. JonJon

    horn not working

    GENTLY remove the horn button from the steering wheel center and there is a u-shaped retainer that the button fits into. Make sure it is straight and clean the edges where the button clips into the retainer. The horn relay receives it's ground signal through this retainer to the steering...
  8. JonJon

    L98 Code 13

    Hey Gang '86 Coupe L98/DN 4+3 The car sets an intermittent code 13 and trips the SES light. It only happens at cruise/light throttle at highway speeds and takes 8-10minutes to set. Fuel pressure/volume are verified and base timing/min airflow are properly adjusted. Wiring/Vacuum lines have...
  9. JonJon

    Connector Questions

    I actually found YouTube useful for once. There was a 1min video showing the connector location that was accurate. :happyanim: The C106 connector is in the Tan/Black wire and is located between the left valve cover and the brake booster. Base timing was retarded almost 10degrees (4degrees...
  10. JonJon

    Connector Questions

    Hey Gang I need a couple extra sets of eyes. '86 coupe L98 TPI w/ manual trans, 10/1985 production date and iron heads. Where is the bullet connector I need to disconnect to set the base ignition timing? The FSM shows C106 in the wiring diagram and I can't find it in the connector location...
  11. JonJon

    Help with production info

    A friend of mine here at the fire dept also has a LT4 CE in the silver over red but I don't think he has the Z51 option. Beautiful car w/ 48k miles and a hoot to drive w/ the 6spd stick. He'd had it 10yrs and I'm the first person he's let drive it (back from the Sept 2015 meet at NCM).
  12. JonJon

    Question: Weird VIN issue...

    Back in the day, I actually had to replace incorrect VIN plates with correct ones shipped to the local P.D. who brought them to me and then watched as I replaced them.
  13. JonJon

    (Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

    Tom Thanks for the warm welcome. The car is a stick shift (DN 4+3) or I wouldn't have bought it. I also didn't pay anywhere close to what was advertised on the windshield. :chuckle I've started a loose leaf binder of documentation since I got the car and my TLC list is one of the first pages...
  14. JonJon

    Chicken Joke

    Here in the southern U.S, the chicken crosses the road to show the possum it can be done.
  15. JonJon

    (Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

    1st Corvette '86 Coupe I lucked up on this '86 coupe at a local Ford dealer where it had been traded in on a new F-150 Harley-Davidson Edition (and no I didn't pay what's on the windshield). It's a Silver/Grey manual trans car w/ the DN 4+3 overdrive. It needs a bit of TLC but what 30yo GM...
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