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1980 door locks


New member
Jan 11, 2023
Mchenry Il.
1980 Black oyster interior
Door won,t open with key if I use power lock switch, very hard.Took activator rod off locks open like a brezze.Took lock Mechanism off, soak in mineral spirits couple hrs.Relube still no luck .Help.1980 c3
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Welcome to CAC!!!!
my '81 is the same way,always has been...I just went with it.
poor design???
Something must be binding even if it's clean and lubed.
Mine doesn't have power locks. Key lock works easy, but the inside lock button has always worked a little hard since new. Have you tried removing the rod from the power lock solenoid, then cycle the power lock switch to check for free movement? Then check the key lock movement to check that all is moving freely, also with the rod removed from the solenoid. The only maintenance that the shop manual shows is R&R of the solenoid. No trouble shooting info either.

Mine doesn't have power locks. Key lock works easy, but the inside lock button has always worked a little hard since new. Have you tried removing the rod from the power lock solenoid, then cycle the power lock switch to check for free movement? Then check the key lock movement to check that all is moving freely, also with the rod removed from the solenoid. The only maintenance that the shop manual shows is R&R of the solenoid. No trouble shooting info either.



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Took top rod off no binding.That rod is the solenoid.If I used power locks it pushes the circle rod down to far.Then the key won,t turn to unlock the door.But with the rod off no problem
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Can you bend that rod a little to make it shorter without interfering with something else?
Door won,t open with key if I use power lock switch, very hard.Took activator rod off locks open like a brezze.Took lock Mechanism off, soak in mineral spirits couple hrs.Relube still no luck .Help.1980 c3
I removed my power locks long ago. They were bunged up and not working either. Now I just pull/push the manual lock mechanism. They are still a lil' tight, but it's been that way for as long as I've owned the car. (28 years)
Sorry, I realize that doesn't really answer your question.

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