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1980 Power window gear/motor repair "Whaaa.?"

My power window motor is bad and I have a new one to replace it, but the window is stuck DOWN and won't budge. As you all know you can't access the three bolts on the old motor if the window is down. We have tried everything to get the window to move up to the halfway position but no luck. Any suggestions? Already tried all the "direct power/bang on it/etc" recommendations.
replacing regulator/power window motor with window stuck in down position

My power window motor is bad and I have a new one to replace it, but the window is stuck DOWN and won't budge. As you all know you can't access the three bolts on the old motor if the window is down. We have tried everything to get the window to move up to the halfway position but no luck. Any suggestions? Already tried all the "direct power/bang on it/etc" recommendations.

Did you ever figure this out? I have the same exact problem, been searching all the forums and parts house "how to's" with no luck! :-(
Yes, I did figure it out and it was pretty easy. See my post and photos on replacing the motor. Simply put, you remove the three long screws that hold the motor housing together, then the motor gear is exposed and you simply turn the motor by hand to move the window up or down. Remember to align the two holes and insert a bolt and nut through those holes to prevent the assembly from jumping when you disengage the gear from the motor. The photos I posted show all of that. Whole motor-replacement project took all of 10-15 minutes.


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Yes, I did figure it out and it was pretty easy. See my post and photos on replacing the motor. Simply put, you remove the three long screws that hold the motor housing together, then the motor gear is exposed and you simply turn the motor by hand to move the window up or down. Remember to align the two holes and insert a bolt and nut through those holes to prevent the assembly from jumping when you disengage the gear from the motor. The photos I posted show all of that. Whole motor-replacement project took all of 10-15 minutes.

GENIUS Now why didn't I think of that....thanks!

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