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62 Street Machine

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster
When Barry Blomquist walked into the Roadster Shop in Mundelein, Illinois, the last thing on his mind was starting another project. He was just there to pick up some parts to continue working on his '56 F-1 when he saw a '62 Corvette across the shop floor, and it stopped him in his tracks. He flashed back to high school in the '60s and watching episodes of Route 66, as Tod Stiles and Buz Murdock cruised their Corvette across the country looking for adventure. A first-gen Corvette was every adolescent male's dream, and Barry was no exception.​

1962 C1RS - Hot Rod Magazine
some like the styling and some dont....me I like most of it.....a lot of work and a lot of $$$$$$.......pretty cool car....thanks!
in a recent Hot Rod magazine issue it was on the pylon course against other cars, it held its own. That is an LS7 with a Kinsler intake.....
This has me thinking a lot more about my long-awaited start of my '63 convert project.... which will remain in dream stage for a while.
That is a beautiful car. :w I'd take one in any color if I had room in the garage.

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