Looks like it's going to happen so I can get a C5
Let's add a little history to this.
The car has run just about the same for 9k miles since last April except for one shorting spark plug wire (they were all original).
Atlanta to Ma, round trip to St. Louis, round trip to Carlisle and another trip to Atlanta. Two tanks with one bottle each of GM injector cleaner were run. I changed the power steering fluid since THAT could have been original and it's not a belt problem either. Hoses? Could be, I think they are all original. Remember, I bought the car with only 28k miles on it. Since these items do not bother me, I have not looked into it much further. However, tonight reading the shop manual, I read that worn "O" rings (injector rings) will cause a rough cold idle. Again, these don't bother me, but Marc is looking for suggestions, so I thought the history would help. Nut and I still hit 24 MPG at one point on the way back from Atlanta with that bad pug wire, and NO we were not going down hill
So with the above in mind, throw Marc your suggestions.
Marc - You might want to toss the question out on the Crossfire Injection Vault:
Guy - Guess I'll have to change that sig soon.