Lesson 1. Never own anything in your name. This is the reason god created Off-Shore companies. If it ain´t yours, they can’t take it. The boat, cars, houses, business, etc., are all rented to me by extremely benevolent Off-Shore companies. My monthly wages for representing these companies in Europe are 477€, 3€ below the point at which they could garnishee my wages.
Lesson 2. After paying for swimming lessons, piano lessons, and math tutoring for 4 years, on top of child support, I nearly drowned my son when we flipped a HobieCat. The kid could not swim a lick! Later that day his piano rendition of Chop Sticks sent the entire population of China Town in search of ear plugs. I was afraid to ask about the outcome of anything as complex as 2+2.
After this I taught the kid mathematics and how to swim, and paid the Piano teacher directly. This pi$$ed the X off so bad she sent him to live with me.
Living with me he learned how to fly, sail, and SCUBA dive, but most importantly, he learned that to do all of the fun things in life required that you either be born smart or get an education. As you all can see from my bad English, there are no extremely smart people in this family. He attended and graduated from a major University with a FULL academic scholarship, The Navy paid for his Masters and he is working on his Doctorate.
He and I are not the ¨best of friends¨, but we do have a mutual respect, and we have pushed each other to the edge, and know what to expect when the chips are down. That is why I gave him the ´82 when he got his wings. He earned it.
End of Lesson 2. Being a single dad taxed me to the limit. It was the best thing I have ever done. I learned much more than I taught. I am damn glad I had the snip and won’t have to do it again.:dance
After thought. If you need info about asset protection shoot me a PM or e-mail.