Memorial Day report ( and questions)
Was that at a local Muffler shop
Did it fit OK and where did you buy it
And .. it needed some adjustment:bang
Before all this madness started.. the foward frame X member ( below crank pulley) that has the 3 holes in the top & bottom..
When I was getting the bushings done.. every time the mechanic would pound on the car with something.. a little dirt would fall out of there.. and then I would see a dirt clod sitting 1/2 out one of the holes.. this got me mad....Somebody beached this poor car at one point!
Today, I hosed that Area down for 20 MINUTES.. and dirt, weeds, bolts, nuts,rocks, chunks of ... YEECH came floating out.. I kept flushing till it was CLEAR draining out.
After it was all done.. I backed the car out.. and my driveway looked like a dried river bed!
New work completed
New Optima battery in
New batt clamp hardware
Fixed frame to block ground
Fixed intermittant charge problem
( you really dont want to know...)
Radiator factory overflow tank in ( with custom mods)
New water pump ( painted too!)
New custom lower hose manufactured & installed
New front pulley ( you don't want to see the evil that they did HOGGING out the bolt holes)
Painted some of the engine compartment & fwd frame.
Removed out board voltage regulator
(was kludged in).
Soldered some IFFY wiring at a firewall tie strip.
Flushed cooling system.
Brake shoes
Inspection cover
Reverse light switch on tranny
rattle patrol
leak patrol
Front seat(s) tighten up & lube