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Anyone ever used Leatherique products?

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At www.leatherique.com they describe various products to restore leather. I have a '95 vert with seats that really needs help, including the dye. I would like to hear from anyone that has used ANY of their products.

I've heard general comments about Leatherique but would like to hear first-hand how their products work. I'm also interested in the dye as my sport seats are a little less than perfect but not bad enough to justify replacing them!

Lemon Peel aka Elaine
I made about the same post on the corvetteforum.com under the care and detailing section. I had several replies there, including one with a link to some really spectacular before and after pictures. It has convinced me to try it, and by that I mean the dye and everything.
srmrvette said:
At www.leatherique.com they describe various products to restore leather. I have a '95 vert with seats that really needs help, including the dye. I would like to hear from anyone that has used ANY of their products.

Over the years i have heard terrific things about it on both Mercedes and Ferrari lists.

Do a search on AltaVista and you will be able to read those and many other posts.

I have seen some before and after pictures some where by amateurs and they were impressive.

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