Part V:
Home Again.
Your long day of happy motoring is over. You’ve succeeded in overcoming all challenges to your cool, and as a result, your Coolness Quotient is at an all time high. Well done.
Now it’s time to put the Corvette away for the night. You park the Corvette in the garage, remembering to back it in so it is in launch position, ready for the next ride. You exit the car remembering to move both your feet out first, turning sideways in your seat and standing up out of the car. And just before you turn to go into the house, you push the lock button on your key fob, and the Corvette winks at you.
A perfect day- the first one of the new Corvette season. Thanks to the pointers offered here, we hoped we’ve help to jog your recall about the relationship between Corvette and cool, and how many pitfalls there are to the quest to expand your Coolness Quotient. A long winter season of separation from your Corvette can certainly make your instincts grow a bit rusty. All you really needed to be reunited with your Corvette, and be the Corvette owner you are.
Now, one final item to discuss. On occasion, for no reason at all, owners of C5s will awake in the middle of the night, as if summoned. They will find themselves, without fully remembering how they got there, in the garage staring at the Corvette with a fond reverence. This is normal. Every Corvette owner experiences this. The reason this occurs isn’t merely a desire within the Corvette owner to check that the car is still in the garage where you left it. It isn’t even to simply a desire to prove to yourself that that perfect day you just had wasn’t a dream- that you really do own a Corvette.
No, the explanation for this phenomena of midnight checks on your Corvette comes down to this: your Corvette occupies a prominent place. It is at the very center of your Coolness Universe. And sometimes, after one of those perfect motoring days, your Coolness Quotient calls to you, a sort of echo of the day. Think of it as a tolerable side effect of having so much Cool in the bank.
Now, go get some sleep. The Weather Channel has indicated tomorrow is going to be even better than today.