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Bloomington Gold 1954 Motorama

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ashley
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Live? Memorex?

This car is amazing, fantastic job !!!

I agree completely. For reference, here is the original:


Photos of your car look beautiful. :w Why they didn't go ahead and build them is crazy.

I noticed that there are door handles on the Nomad.
Really neat stuff! Are you planning on making more of these? :beer
The Corvair used modified 53 doors, ...... The door has two window pulls to control the window inself and was pretty complicated for the car, .....

Ashley, does this mean the windows were raised by tugging on these pulls (which I interpret as being some form of straps)?

will make the car back to the way it was originally

You make this sound like it's one of the originals, it's just a clone/tribute though right?

I also think the car looks great and you guys are doing a great job with all the details :beer I hope to see it in person some day :thumb

Tyler, Tyler, Tyler... :(

We don't allow personal attacks on the CAC and your post is in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy (Corvette Action Center | Forums | Acceptable Use Policy) and, as such, it will be removed. If you want to badmouth someone, take it elsewhere. It won't be tolerated here.

I was tired of this "tempest in a teacup" about ol' 029 when it happened the last time and I haven't changed my opinion.

Mac - I disagree with you.
Tyler, Tyler, Tyler... :(

We don't allow personal attacks on the CAC and your post is in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy (Corvette Action Center | Forums | Acceptable Use Policy) and, as such, it will be removed. If you want to badmouth someone, take it elsewhere. It won't be tolerated here.

I was tired of this "tempest in a teacup" about ol' 029 when it happened the last time and I haven't changed my opinion.

Post edited to remove personal attacks... -Mac

You probably have a filter on my posts but I can assure you it will be posted by someone unless you lock the post.

Your post violated your own rules. LOL

Post edited to remove personal attacks...-Mac

You probably have a filter on my posts but I can assure you it will be posted by someone unless you lock the post.

Your post violated your own rules. LOL


Well said Tyler :thumb
Mac - I disagree with you.

Any particular reason or simply because it's your friend Tyler who is attacking Ashley and you agree with his post?

Fraud/deception on the part of any individual on this Forum should not be allowed. I am advising you that this individual :
is misrepresenting himself as a student living in Bloomington. Roger is posting under his daughters name to avoid being associated with the ‘tempest’ referred in your post. His claims at the time caused the rightful owner of 029, the state of Florida, and the state of Indiana time and money unraveling the web he weaved.

The following are facts.
1. He counterfeited a vin tag for a car.
2. He placed that vin tag on a car and misrepresented it to Indiana DMV as a 1953 Corvette s/n 29.
3. He posted on several forums that he was the said owner and dissed in public and behind the scene anyone who dared question that claim.
4. He asserted he had full documentation for the car and it was in his garage.
5. He attempted to continue that deception with pictures.
6. When the real car was found it was subjected to intense scrutiny from several experts in public who verified the car was real and the state of Indiana invalidated title on the Indiana car.
7. Repeated requests to view the car he claimed was 029 were never honored.

You probably have a filter on my posts but I can assure you it will be posted by someone unless you lock the post.

Your post violated your own rules. LOL


:w Tyler

I won't enter into the discussion of the body of this thread, but I will address a few comments being thrown around that I find a bit disingenuous as to our Corvette Action Center Forums:

May I out line to ALL participating here of the Corvette Action Center's "Terms of Service / Use Policy"

Before I point sections in the Terms of Service agreement I would remind all that this Forum is Privately Owned and Operated. The use of our Forum is at the discretion of the owner/operator with the authority of his trust vested in the Moderators and Administrators!

I will not quote each statement or comment, but rather express my concerns by outlining sections within our Terms of Service that I feel apply and should be reviewed before engaging in discussions and statements that are not of the original intent of this thread.

General in nature with actual wording at the link provided above.

Yoda said:
By using these Forums, you agree to the following terms:

Item #1. (false, misinformation etc._

Item #3. (Admin has the right to edit/remove post etc.)

Item #5 (The Corvette Action Center is Not a Court of Law etc..)

Item #6 (Member identity policy... etc.)

It our duty as Administrators / Moderators to act in the best interest of the overall Forums and conduct our actions as that of our Site Owner/Operator/Designer would approve. At anytime you may contact any of the Administrators / Moderators or Site Owner via PM or Email to discuss your issue with us directly.

It is not our responsibility to verify nor validate claims made unless we know for a FACT that the information is not within our Terms of Service. They said, discussions (he said, she said) is not FACTS it is opinion and what we are charged with is protect against the items I briefly outlined above and what our Terms of Service direct as well as our Privacy Statement and the Registration Agreement signed by all members.

Bud Dougherty
Forums Administrator
Fraud/deception on the part of any individual on this Forum should not be allowed.

I'm sure you're filled with righteous indignation and all that jazz but this was, is and likely will be in the future nothing more than a tempest in a tea cup.

If you were a victim of fraud, I would suggest you use appropriate legal recourse but I would still tell you to not to post personal attacks on the CAC. Posting hearsay accusations, regardless of your motivation, is a personal attack. Tyler, the CAC is not your personal soapbox and, as per the Acceptable Use Policy, it will not be tolerated.

Addressing those kind of activities at the CAC is within the scope of my duties as an administrator.
Continue to post such attacks and I will take sterner measures. If you believe I've overstepped, I suggest you write to Rob.

No one came to view my fathers cars, including Tyler, but they continue to bad mouth him because they have been and always will be friends with a gentleman in (city removed per request of the member referred to. Tom) That is there right, my father has NCRS friends who chose not to be friends with the above mentioned people. I now understand why people have motives to make people like my father look bad. This arguing only makes them and CAC look bad! A quote from an administer. This is about history and the above car has some, it has NEVER been said it was the one in photo's from 1954. People want to bad mouth my father should come and at least see his work before they do!
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