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Bloomington Gold 1954 Motorama

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ashley
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This is what I get for sleeping late. When this thread started I was hoping that it could continue on it's own separate from the old argument of the 1953 #029. Somehow I knew it wouldn't. That debate was resolved and I believe correctly. That is all covered in another thread that anyone can read on their own. Let's keep that discussion there.

We all know that this Corvair is a recreation using some old and some new parts, one being the body. Irregardless of whether it's actually Ashley posting or Roger using her name to avoid the flak the thread has been a very interesting documentary on the build of this car. I can't see Roger's house from here so I don't know who's typing. I fully support my fellow administrators in their above actions and would caution everyone to abide by the terms of use of this forum. As long as a member is not banned or restricted and follows the forum rules he/she can start or participate in any thread and avail themselves of all of the other features of this forum. They should be free to post without every old conflict they have been involved with brought up again in each new thread. The lines have been drawn, sides taken and the issue resolved on that issue. Nobody is likely to have any change of heart. We all know where everyone stands. Anyone who feels that they have read a post to this thread or any other that is outside of the forum rules can report the post and it will be reviewed by the staff and appropriate action taken.

I would like to follow along with the completion of this project. It's been very interesting. However, if this thread becomes a rehash of the 029 debate and we loose the topic it will be closed.


With so much of the content having been removed from this thread it no longer serves any purpose. It is now closed.
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