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c2 dash ac outlet

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
I need help in reassembly of a c2 AC center dash outlet
1. does the black bezel insert, mount with the three tangs up or down?
2. does the metal outlet assy move upwards to open
and down to close.
3. Any help with, the metal outlet seems to have
a clearance problem with the Plastic duct assy while
trying to open/close.
Any help would be appreciated
I need help in reassembly of a c2 AC center dash outlet
1. does the black bezel insert, mount with the three tangs up or down?
2. does the metal outlet assy move upwards to open
and down to close.
3. Any help with, the metal outlet seems to have
a clearance problem with the Plastic duct assy while
trying to open/close.
Any help would be appreciated
I cant remember about the tangs, but it is up to open and down to close
Thanks for the reply. I did get it installed the tangs go
down. the metal register still rubs on the upper metal shroud
located on the plastic outlet.
thanks again
Thanks for the reply. I did get it installed the tangs go
down. the metal register still rubs on the upper metal shroud
located on the plastic outlet.
thanks again
Maybe it is slightly warped? Can you work it with a dremel tool or something? These parts as you know are expensive and near impossible to find.

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