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C2 Heat riser


Mar 28, 2018
1963 Black split window
Question: There are 2 lines on the heat riser side of the 340 HP motor, 1 goes from the exhaust manifold to the choke assembly, the other goes down toward the heat riser from the carb, but I'm not sure about the second one. Is it pulling a vacuum from somewhere? Thanks, Frank
Are you referring to the rubber line that runs from the carb air horn to the steel line that goes down behind the exhaust manifold as in this pic I copied online? It's called a clean air line and completes the choke loop. On older engines the choke tube ran down and connected to the tube that ran through the exhaust manifold and was just open to atmosphere on the bottom end. This line connects at the previously left open lower end of the choke tube and goes into the air horn thus not allowing crud to get into the open choke tube.


Are you referring to the rubber line that runs from the carb air horn to the steel line that goes down behind the exhaust manifold as in this pic I copied online? It's called a clean air line and completes the choke loop. On older engines the choke tube ran down and connected to the tube that ran through the exhaust manifold and was just open to atmosphere on the bottom end. This line connects at the previously left open lower end of the choke tube and goes into the air horn thus not allowing crud to get into the open choke tube.


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Thank you Tom for a very good explaination. I guess there should be a hole somewhere in the bottom of the exhaust manifold for the other metal tube? Frank
Here is a drawing I found in the parts manual. Sorry for the sideways.



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