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C2's with three taillights

we did the 3 tail lights to our mid years so we could put in the sequential tail lights like the ford cougars of the day
we did the 3 tail lights to our mid years so we could put in the sequential tail lights like the ford cougars of the day
Now that makes sense! I always liked that effect.

The Bob Wingate FSO Corvette... beautiful!!


If anyone would ever want to argue if any production Corvettes ever came from the factory with 6 tail lights you can truthfully say yes, one did. This car was custom modified, as you see it here, at the St. Louis assembly plant by Chevrolet for Bob Wingate. He was the world's largest Corvette dealer at the time. It is well documented in many publications and by current owner Bob Radke.

If anyone would ever want to argue if any production Corvettes ever came from the factory with 6 tail lights you can truthfully say yes, one did. This car was custom modified, as you see it here, at the St. Louis assembly plant by Chevrolet for Bob Wingate. He was the world's largest Corvette dealer at the time. It is well cocumented in many publications and by current owner Bob Radke.


I've seen the Radke car and photos on his site of MANY '67s on Clippinger Chevrolet's back lot with six tail lights.

In 1967 Harry Mann Chevrolet of Los Angeles was the world's largest Corvette dealer, but Bob Wingate, who worked for Clippinger, was quite likely the highest-volume individual Corvette salesman in the late '60s. He went on to become a Corvette and '55-'57 Chevy independent broker.

I seriously doubt that St. Louis did the work. As far as I know all Corvette race cars and executive "customs" were done in the styling shops in Michigan. I'm pretty sure the Clippinger body shop or an outside vendor like Bruno's Corvette Service did the light conversions and the special Wingate stripe.

Six tail lights started with the '58 Impala and Bill Mitchell's Corvette Sting Ray race/show car from 1959. As soon as the '61 "Vettes hit the showrooms, buyers started filling the "empty" space!

The Grand Sports started out with four red tail lights (no chrome cups) at the end of 1962. When they were updated with flares, etc. four tail light -size holes and four slightly smaller ones were drilled in the rear panel to relieve air pressure build-up at high speed.

All my C2s have had six tail lights, even the otherwise "NCRS" stockers. If you do this, your stock brake light switch won't last long. You need to substitute an IMPALA switch.
I like the 12 tail light look the best. :w But, I don't think I will do it to mine.

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