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C3 Radio

  • Thread starter Thread starter dmz99
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Looking to install a new modern radio and speakers in my 72. Any suggestions? Looking for something with great sound,maybe a complete kit. I see a lot of options but no opinions, Thanks.
If you make this swap and the new unit requires cutting the bezel, my advice would be to purchase an aftermarket bezel or an old one off ebay. Save your original. Good originals are getting very hard to find.

There are a couple companies that take your origianl radio and put in all modern internals, so you get a modern stereo while keeping the stock appearance.
I still have my original 8-track installed and love it. I really don't listen to music while driving the Vette anyway. The music I listen is called "Exhaust"...LOL.
I wanted to keep the 8track look also. I just got one of the hidden ones that I mounted under the dash and put the control above rear view mirror. I like it plus its fun to watch people try to adjust the radio in the car (especially when I have the remote in my hand)
dmz99, welcome to the site!

There have been plenty of threads in the past about upgrading radios, what works, what didn't, what's good, who to avoid, etc etc etc.

I suggest doing a search of the forums here. I did a search in the C3 section here for the term "upgrade radio" and plenty o' threads appeared.
Just go up to the Search link in the toolbar and select "Advanced Search". From there, you can limit your search to these C3 forums and put in the words you are searching for.

This is good advice when you're looking up anything here on the site. :upthumbs ...LOTS of information has been posted in these forums over the years!

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