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Video: Classic Corvette Catches Fire in Encino California


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
By ABC7.com staff Monday, August 22, 2016 02:52AM LOS ANGELES, CA — A vintage Chevrolet Corvette went up in flames on Sunday. Video sent by R.G. Lowell to ABC7 using #abc7eyewitness showed the red Corvette burning as people looked on. The Los Angeles City Fire Department said the fire happened in the 17000 block of […]

That's a big fire! This is why I purchase a fire extinguisher for every car that has a carburetor. Just last week I had a plastic gasket on a quick fuel carb crack. I smelled gas while i was driving and when i opened the hood when I got home, i found a lovely pool of gas sitting in the intake. Fortunately, i have an air gap intake on this car, so it just dripped down and gathered under the runners. If it had been a regular intake, it would have run off and down towards the hot exhaust, starter motor, etc.

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