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Common problems with Vettes?

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Hey YOU would do.



HUH what....Hmmmmmm must been dreaming


( a classic example of the addiction, Mike's at work taking his afternoon nap... dreaming about the next part of the never ending process.)

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ sus--pens---ion phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

(Notice the pagers going off & and the phone is ringing off the hook... but he's blissfully unaware of his surroundings.)

Uh Huh

Yeah, me too. I looked past the niks in the paint and almost wanted to find something broken so I could fix it. I flew halfway across the country to an airport in a city that had been bombed less than 2 weeks before (Dulles in DC) to buy my vette with only seeing 3 pictures on the internet. She was badly in need of an alignment but I drove her 550 miles from DC to Indiana and loved every filling jarring minute of it. I have the bug...BAD. I now want (and even am actively looking for) a ZR1. I only have a 1 car garage so I'm gonna have to build something to hold my 84 when I get the next one, cause I'm not selling the old one off either.:D

Have you checked out eBay? Maybe not necessarily to buy, but to look and get an idea on prices, etc...

Good idea. I buy a fair amount of crap from ebay. I'll look there. I've looked at the corvettetrader.com website (where I found my current vette) and the Corvette and Chevy trader magazine (WAYYYYY overpriced). Thanks for the new way to spend my online time.:t
Yes, I am an eBay freak!

I have bought more than my share of crap off eBay and I keep doing it! I just love eBay because you find all that stuff that you'll never see in a store around here!

Yes, Chevy Trader is pricey. There was a thread about Southern cars being cheaper because they're in a different market than the Northerner's are. Maybe you should get some classifieds from the Southern market.
Corvette fever

Yes, I have learned about Corvette fever.
In Oct I started thinking that it would be cool to buy a vette.
In Nov I started looking around.
In Dec I found Corvette Action Center and Corvette Mike's.
In Jan I saw a '96 LT1 convert auto pologreen black black rig at dusk for 15 min; it was all over.
Yeah I tried to be objective.
Yeah I was only going to spend $9k to $12k.
Well, I spent twice that, still haven't sold the down payment car, and have been reading every dam post on this web site since.
The up shot is that every time I drive that sweet ride it is all worth it! :dance
Chris N
A common problem is that it only seats two. This is a serious problem when having to go somewhere and have to take the sedan.

Other than that the two seater is perfect and I wouldn't want to see more the two seats
Observation number one: Two seats is usually no problem, a Corvette owner shouldn't have more than one other friend who doesn't own his or her own Vette.
Part B to observation number one: friends who already own a Corvette usually want to spend time driving in their own Vette.
Observation number two: Corvette owners want to drive their Corvettes with another friend to meet other Corvette owners and their friends, hence everybody has a seat in two seat vehicles.
Therefore it can be theorized that cars with more than two seats have two seats too many, therfore leading to the conclusion that BMWs, Camaros, Mustangs, and other 4 seat sport coupes are wasting space, wait till the EPA figures this one out!
Whew, I have a headache, time for another cup of java!

good grief, stan.....hope this doesn't get those motorcyle-riding boys spouting off about their 1-seater!!! Then the EPA'll be down our necks for having room for 2!!!
Re: Corvette fever

Chris N said:
Yes, I have learned about Corvette fever.
In Oct I started thinking that it would be cool to buy a vette.
In Nov I started looking around.
In Dec I found Corvette Action Center and Corvette Mike's.
In Jan I saw a '96 LT1 convert auto pologreen black black rig at dusk for 15 min; it was all over.
Yeah I tried to be objective.
Yeah I was only going to spend $9k to $12k.
Well, I spent twice that, still haven't sold the down payment car, and have been reading every dam post on this web site since.

sounds like me...i used to tell my x i was gonna buy a vette well when she dumped me back in nov i started looking around keeping an eye out for a clean one and now i got the FEVER!!!!......lol just like what chris said......lol :D
WHOA! I never thought about our two wheeled friends....
That's something to ponder. Will confuse the heck out of the EPA, thinking they are missing half of ...Something????
I don't want a pickle...

I just wanna ride on my moter-cickle.
The Ninja in my garage (that peacefully coexists with the vette) will easilly go as fast as the vette and will blow nearly any vette off the line, and the vette has an engine that is 9 1/2 times bigger! They do have one thing in common though...what a great use of gas!:D
If I wanted a car that seats more than 2, I would buy a taxi cab, may as well.
Cars I will never drive or buy

1. Soccer mom minivan, or any minivan for that matter.
2. SUV, I just don't like em' because soccer moms are starting to drive them while talking on their cell phones (dangerous?).
3. Station wagon, this one needs no explanation.
4. 4 cylinder cars-it'd better at least have 6 for me to drive it.
Driving Miss Daisy

Things I'm good at driving:
1) My Vette
2) My Bike
3) My wife Crazy:crazy
Way to go Drewser, I liked that third one!
I guess we are all good at that, especially when doing the first!
Boy`s you all forgot something. Wen you testdrive the Vette you have to know alot of the car. I did like this.
I wanted a Mustang, i went to the dealer to look at one but it did not look OK, the dealer sad " I have a Corvette in the corner, do you want to look". No i sad, but OK i will look. I looked, a took a testdrive and i went home with the car. There were alot of flashing lights, things that did not work and so on. You can fix that youself sad the dealer, djust a few lose cables and so on.
I sad NO problem, I wanted that car real bad.
Now the most is working, it costed a lot of mony, you out there helped a lot. You only live once. Wife still here.
maxm said:
You only live once. Wife still here.

I think that first line is an important one; you only live once so may as well enjoy it.

The second line is a major accomplishment. Usually, women and Corvette's don't get along. "Don't make me choose!!"
Bought mine on ebay.....test drove it home from Va. to Ohio. Swore I would always drive it in good weather...keep it in the garage....
Love it so much it is my daily driver and the Blazer sits in the driveway. Girlfriend said it was her or the vette...sometimes I sure do miss her.....

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