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Corvette Fever's C1 September 2009 Desktop Wallpaper

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster

I'd like to have a set of those wheels. :)
I'd like to have a set of those wheels. :)

Me too Tom, the only other set or type of wheels I like and would use on my little Vette....in place of the wires....:upthumbs
Very nice Bronze Corvette. :w I like the rear scoops.
Me too Tom, the only other set or type of wheels I like and would use on my little Vette....in place of the wires....:upthumbs

I have a friend in Texas that has an original magnesium set for his '57. I remember a set with front adapters and rear axle/adapter assemblies at the second Bloomington meet for $1200. I thought that was a lot of money. I think I just read where a set with axles sold at the Mecum Auction at this years Bloomington for 22k.

I guess we could get a set of the aluminum ones from Halibrand and get them Dow coated so they look like magnesium.


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