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Couple Gives $1.3 Million To Corvette Museum


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Sep 16, 2000
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1990 Corvette ZR-1
Couple Gives $1.3 Million To Corvette Museum

Nov 13, 2006 11:22 AM

BOWLING GREEN, Kentucky - The National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green has received its largest gift ever.

A Wisconsin couple donated $1.3 million to the museum in south-central Kentucky, 60 miles north of Nashville.

The gift came from Ivan and Mary Shrodt of Sherwood, Wisconsin.

Museum director Wendell Strode said the money would go toward a planned $14 million expansion. He said the project should be completed in the summer of 2009.

The Shrodts said they gave the money to the museum because they have no children, and have an affection for Corvettes. The museum held a reception in the couple's honor Saturday night. The Shrodts were in Bowling Green to pick up their sixth Corvette, a 2007 black Z06 model.

Copyright: Associated Press
"Had an affection for Corvettes" Wish they had an affection for old ,fat,bald men.
Make that 2 Old, Fat, Bald men,Fat Boy!!!!;LOL :rotfl :upthumbs


That money could have been put to much better use. Just a thought. It's kind of like leaving it to your cat.:eyerole
That money could have been put to much better use. Just a thought. It's kind of like leaving it to your cat.:eyerole
But the museum will be there forever, who would the cat leave it to?
That money could have been put to much better use. Just a thought. It's kind of like leaving it to your cat.:eyerole

For all you know they may leave $130 million to help people with cancer. Their money, their lives.

That money could have been put to much better use. Just a thought. It's kind of like leaving it to your cat.:eyerole

Just a thought ... they could have given it to the ACLU instead. Now that would have been a true waste !

I really feel that GM can afford to support the museum with their own funds, it's a fricking car museum for John sake; now if it was a wellspring for the conservatives; a breeding ground for future conservative political action, etc. I would have to consider the money well spent.:upthumbs
I really feel that GM can afford to support the museum with their own funds, it's a fricking car museum for John sake;....
Many do NOT realize that GM has absolutely no connection to the National Corvette Museum. It is supported entirely by donations from members, store sales, visitors and museum delivery program.
GM may let the museum have a car at wholesale for raffles, but outrite donations, I don't think so. GM has their own problems these days.

I would think that anyone who loves the Corvette and what it stands for would be interested in seeing that its history is preserved for current and future generations.

I love my corvette, I really, really, really, love my corvette;:W but I still would rather give my money to the Children's Christian Relief Fund than to a car museum.:eyerole
I love my corvette, I really, really, really, love my corvette;:W but I still would rather give my money to the Children's Christian Relief Fund than to a car museum.:eyerole

But what if they also gave $2 Million each to the Jewish and Arab funds as well as the Christian fund and the museum?

Who is to preserve the history of the car that you really, really, really love if not for Ivan and Mary Shrodt of Sherwood, Wisconsin?

Have you been to the museum lately and seen the plans? The Corvette archives, the new planned delivery area, Corvette Blvd, the new store. I can hardly wait to see it in person.
I would agree that there are both better and worse ways to donate one's money. At least one dealer (in Michigan) thinks that the Museum is worthy of support, and is willing to donate $200 to the Museum with every new or used Corvette purchase, at least through the end of December. See the story at www.corvetteblog.com.

But what if they also gave $2 Million each to the Jewish and Arab funds as well as the Christian fund and the museum?

Who is to preserve the history of the car that you really, really, really love if not for Ivan and Mary Shrodt of Sherwood, Wisconsin?

Have you been to the museum lately and seen the plans? The Corvette archives, the new planned delivery area, Corvette Blvd, the new store. I can hardly wait to see it in person.

Let everyone support their own; the Arabs are oil rich and the Jews always support their own; anyway I was just giving one example of a worthy cause; I guess I'm just a conservative who has a few liberal ideas.:beer
Let everyone support their own; the Arabs are oil rich and the Jews always support their own; anyway I was just giving one example of a worthy cause; I guess I'm just a conservative who has a few liberal ideas.:beer

But have you been to your car's museum?

Unless they have really great food I don't see the need; maybe if I was in the neighborhood and had nothing else to do I'd stop by. Or better yet if they had scantily clad women and would let you drive all the vettes, yes that's it-then I would definitely visit.:L

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