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Do I REALLY wanna 'vette?

Nov 8, 2002
1972 LT-1 Coupe w/ AC
I've been looking for my ideal 'vette for quite some time now. Every time I see a steel bumber C3 drive down the road, sitting in somebodys garage, I always look for a for sale sign...I even kinda stalked an old lady once who drove an all original one owner car near where I worked...I spoke to her once, gave her my contact info...but she never called back. I saw the car parked outside the local town hall a couple times, so one day I went inside and asked for the owner...She was nice enough not to have me arrested...but she said her grandkids would have killed her if she sold it. I check the paper classifieds, not only for my area, but every once in a while I'll check the online classified of papers down south, out west, etc... I check all the major 'vette/collector car online ads, ebay, every day as well as have my scouts (family & friends) keep their eyes out for me...I have found a few nice cars, but never "the one"...and it seems as each year that passes by, I tack on another "must have option" on my ideal car, and the car that I would have bought last year, would be passed on this year. This sping I found a beauty, waited almost a year to go see if due to financial situation...finally saw it, drove it, loved it, drove home w/o it...why? I got cold feet the morning I was going to have the final inspection and decided I didn't even wanna do it...
So my question is...
Am I freakin crazy? :crazy
Am I hooked on the "thrill of the chase" ?
I feel it getting worse...and its far from spring Corvette Fever!
Hang in there, you'll find The right one for you, I got lucky and I only had to look at three cars before I found the one for me. I saw the vette I own now from a quarter of a mile away and knew it was the vette for me.
Good luck in your search!

:Twist Just like finding your life long mate,you will know when SHES THE ONE, come to think of it wives are alot like corvettes,Hot,Sexy,Curvy,Fast,Comfotable,and always there for you to gaze at:beer :)
tonyk72 said:
I've been looking for my ideal 'vette for quite some time now. Every time I see a steel bumber C3 drive down the road, sitting in somebodys garage, I always look for a for sale sign...I even kinda stalked an old lady once who drove an all original one owner car near where I worked...I spoke to her once, gave her my contact info...but she never called back. I saw the car parked outside the local town hall a couple times, so one day I went inside and asked for the owner...She was nice enough not to have me arrested...but she said her grandkids would have killed her if she sold it. I check the paper classifieds, not only for my area, but every once in a while I'll check the online classified of papers down south, out west, etc... I check all the major 'vette/collector car online ads, ebay, every day as well as have my scouts (family & friends) keep their eyes out for me...I have found a few nice cars, but never "the one"...and it seems as each year that passes by, I tack on another "must have option" on my ideal car, and the car that I would have bought last year, would be passed on this year. This sping I found a beauty, waited almost a year to go see if due to financial situation...finally saw it, drove it, loved it, drove home w/o it...why? I got cold feet the morning I was going to have the final inspection and decided I didn't even wanna do it...
So my question is...
Am I freakin crazy? :crazy
Am I hooked on the "thrill of the chase" ?
I feel it getting worse...and its far from spring Corvette Fever!

yes you do want a vette, im worried about the people who dont want a vette in their lives ,ewwww <shrugs>
You're not crazy....I had been looking at several different cars...and was actually going to take a different car for a test drive, when I saw "The One".....it went home with me that afternoon.

You'll know when you see it....

Good luck
I think I saw a '72 inUncle Henry's. You might want to check that out (along with the Want Ads, Autotrader, and the other classified magazines).

Well, since my email seems to be giving me fits, I'll reply here:

You don't need to subscribe to the Uncle Henry's website... you can purchase the individual weekly magazine for $1.50 at many stores. It's small (about 8x5). One thing: they come out on Thursday, and often sell out very quickly.

You will know it is the "ONE" when you see it. Just like the above posting....it is like a wife/women. You will see the perfect Corvette and just say...this is the one,....and you will no longer have "cold feet". That is how it was for me, and I think most of the members here will agree. When I saw my 64 I know it was the one.
As i look at my 5th & 6th vette & my 2nd old lady im still wondering,at least im getting a turkey 2day,im sure of that
I agree with those above...once you see "the one", you'll go for it.

You actually have it better than most new vette owners. All too often they buy the first one they see they think they like, figuring they won't find another one out there. Well, as you know, yes you will find another one out there. Your patience will be rewarded.
I know the feeling of finding "the one"

At first i thought i wanted a 87, because that was the year i was born :L after i found out there wasnt ne thing i really liked about it(and i thought the C4 generation was ugly as all hell) i moved on...

then i thought it was gona be a 2003 convertable, just because it is new and a convertable... then i woke up and relized the C5 is not what i want, and i would never be able to have a 2003 for a while :L...

then i thought i wanted the 1981. It was real nice looking, one of my faviorate body designes, and i was starting to learn more about vettes. when i learned quite alot about vettes i knew theses cars are probally gona need some restoration done, and i know nothing about fixing cars yet...

Now i am very knowledgeable about vettes, or i think i am atleast, and right now "the one" is the '96 LT4 or GS. and i never thought this would be the one, but now the C4 and C3 are my faviorate styles.

As for the vette I want now? anything that costs 5k or less. I dont care if it is a 72, a 84, or a 67, i will take ANY vette that i can afford, Im poor, and a vette is better than no vette, but i will never lose sight of the goal of LT4 or GS...
I'm currently looking at a red '72. I just got the pictures in the mail...but they really haven't done anything for me yet (this car needs paint). This could be "the one", as it has all the options I want. I'll let you guys know if I get engaged...:love

This may be the one. You'll know if you feel you can't go home without it.

Corvette and Chevy Trader always has a nice selection of chrome bumper Sharks.

Ah, I'm in the same boat. I'm looking for one, too. But, I'm being extremely patient. I just started looking and I don't expect to get one for a least a year. Then, in that time I'll learn enough to get a good deal and be able to work on her.

Martin72, that's a beautiful Vette! :D
Yes, the "thrill of the chase" is exciting

but it's even more exciting when you can get behind the wheel and know it's your baby!

It took me about 6 months to get lucky... I mean find my baby that is.

I would've waited longer but this one slapped me up side the head... and I didn't know a thing about them at the time. As Andre said, you're lucky to know more about them than most newbies so you know what to watch out for.

Good luck & Happy Hunting!
yeah tony, if it has what u want, it is probally the one! make sure to test drive it. if ur hooked, take it ;)
Ah, I'm in the same boat. I'm looking for one, too. But, I'm being extremely patient. I just started looking and I don't expect to get one for a least a year. Then, in that time I'll learn enough to get a good deal and be able to work on her.
couldnt of said it better myself! I dunno jack about fixing cars, and my first vette will probally be a hell of a fixer upper :L but if all goes well, i should have my vette by the time im 16, but id rather wait till im 17 for the summer time, and when im done with my auto mechanics and body repair classes! i cant wait till then! :cool

good luck finding your vettes guys!
Ya never know

Hey Tony, I thought I knew what I wanted in my vette. I was looking for a '79 or '80 with a decent body and it had to be a 4 speed. The engine didn't matter because I was going to build a 383 stroker to stick in it. I checked the local papers and though I found many cars that fit my profile I always stopped short of buying them. (sound familiar) Then one friday night I was scanning ebay and this catches my eye. 1974 corvette stingray, 383 stroker, 4 speed, all #'s match, 47,200 original miles. The pictures showed a very nice looking car. Everthing I wanted and in a much better year. IMHO After a few emails I placed a bid and the rest is history. My honey and I drove 650 miles just to test drive it. I bought it and drove that puppy back home. The great thing about it is, though I don't need to do anything to the engine, there is always something to change. Right now it is getting a brand new interior and sound system. Tony, just keep looking and if it is meant to be, it will be. peace. :cool
Oh, do I know the feeling well!!

I looked for about a year and a half. I wanted a chrome bumper, small block, 4 speed roadster--I thought. Everything I looked at in my price range was a little too rough for my tastes -- I wanted to drive it, not restore it. Then one day a business associate of my wife tole her her husband was selling his Vette as they had 2 kids entering college.. I was not even going to look at it because it was not a chrome bumper car. Damn--I drove it and it it now its parked in my garage. Sure it needs a few things, but it is a great looking car that drives real nice. I get blown off the road by lots of cars, but I do not have the need for speed, just want to have fun in the sun with my top down. The real kicker for me was when my wife said to me "this is just going to be your first Corvette, not your only Corvette". I know I found a keeper in my wife, & my Vette? What I learn owning this one, will help me with my next cause variety is the spice of life.

Keep looking & don't overlook a car you think you may not want -- look at it, drive it, when its the right one, it will go home with you. :s

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