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Do you think the C7 Tailights Look like the Camaro Tail Lights ??

Do you think the C7 Corvette's tail lights look like the Camaro's tailights?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 49.5%
  • No

    Votes: 41 43.2%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 7 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The round ones look good, but the more I look at the new ones the more I like them. ;shrug
The enrollment at Stupid School (not yet accredited as a university) continues to increase. More trees will have to be cut down (keeps the Ax Men series going!) to supply the paper for diplomas.

Of all the folks who have an issue with the tail lights, I wonder how many of them are in the position of actually purchasing one.

As I have said previously, more for me to choose from.

It's time to move on about the tailights. Like anything else new, they'll grow on you. Didn't the second generation Camaro get it's tailight design from the same guy that did the C-3? Maybe they've just come complete circle?
I was disappointed when I first saw the tail end of the C7 because it looked so much like a camero and I have never liked the camero! Not to worry though because I certainly won't be in line for this generation vette. I'll stick with a C5 or C6 for the time being.....
Ya know Coyne may be on to something. The round tail lights run with the round exhaust and if the body color of the rear facia was to remain one color and eliminate the "mascara" (lol) it might look hot! :beer
Corvette's little brother

The new 2014 Corvette is a beautiful machine and the change in the tail lights to have the look of a Camaro is a change for the better just like we have seen the early Corvettes go from tear drop shapes in the 1957 to the 1959 and then to a boat tail rear with round lights.
The one thing that makes a Corvette a Corvette is being a (2) seater auto and it's unique fiberglas body otherwise a Camaro shares a lot of Corvette's mechanicals.:cool!:
Round taillights vs square taillights

That's a lot better. Try losing the mascara if it's possible (I'm assuming that you are photoshopping). :)
I believe that after the 2014 Corvette is released for sale there will be a after market round taillights unit that can replace the stock square taillights if a owner wants this and willing to pay the cost.:D:D
Everyone wants it too look different, but they also want it to look the same. GM has taken some bold strokes here in styling. I personally like it and note some similarity to the Camaro tail lights, but that's about it. The rear end taken as a whole is definitely different, and I personally like it very much. I can see Nissan 370, Nissan GTR, and Ferrari cues all over it too, and I still like it.
The poll only asked if you think the C7 taillites look like the new Camaro's, not did you like them. Personally I think they blend in w/ the overall design. Also I find nothing to like about the new Camaro.

The large, black lower fascia really turns me off. Must be some foreign exotic that employs this design.
Tail lights?

While there may be a very slight family resemblance, the whole car is such a bold modern design as to make such arguments specious. Anyone who would make a change after purchase to round or retro like tail lights will just be detracting from the whole. Rather reminds me of the guys that cut the divider from the rear window of the '63. I actually see more of a earlier concept 'vette (sorry, can't remember which one) than I see Camaro. The whole car is so amazing I really don't understand the haters that seem to be overly fixated on the tail lights, but to each their own. For me this is a thoroughly modern, bad ass new Corvette, from the extractor to the tail lights, and everything between. I love it, all of it.
The poll only asked if you think the C7 taillites look like the new Camaro's, not did you like them. Personally I think they blend in w/ the overall design. Also I find nothing to like about the new Camaro.

The large, black lower fascia really turns me off. Must be some foreign exotic that employs this design.

"The poll only asked if you think the C7 taillites look like the new Camaro's." Since you pointed that out, neither did it ask what you thought of the black lower fascia... just sayin'.
Ok ok...lets not quibble over brass tacks... :eyerole
Whether or not the butt looks like the Camaro or not is kinda moot isn't it…

Like they are going to go change them at this point. It is what it is (for now anyways).
What it might do, is open up an aftermarket business. Think of the possibilities.

What GMC could have done, was come ask for a poll like this to the Vette community BEFORE they finalized a design.
But that would require listening to the most knowledgable and vested customer base. Aim Fire Ready!

:eyerole x 2
Not At All

In fact, what I see is a suggestion of that hockey stick thing going on in the front running lights of the new Vette. If I'm right, you'll be able to identify this thing coming at you or running away from you in the dark, no problem. And, yes, it does have an attitude.
I just plain love'm

I don't care if the look like they came off a Yugo? I love them.

Which ones do everyone think look like Camaro's. The C7's inners have a different shape than the outers.

HID, indirect, reflective tail lights. Who else on the planet did that? Even George Barris, or Chip Foose never dreamed up anything that cool. :happyanim:

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