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Driving 99 c5 and all lights and gauges died and A/C went out. Windows died. WTF!!!!


Jun 8, 2010
99 Convertible C5
I'm driving down the road in my vette and the display starts stating that maintenance is needed, then all the gauges died and message saying engine has reduced power, the windows died and the a/c stopped. I turned the car off and restarted it and it was normal again but a few miles up the road it happened again. Is the computer dying?? It works again but the right door is completely dead. Passenger window switch on both doors is dead as well as the passenger door lock. The driver's door switch and window work.
Not the best C5 day. 42k miles for those wondering. convertible.:confused:mad
check the battery connections and pull the codes

Corvette DIC Codes
There were actually several codes but most had an H. They went by so quickly- that I was only able to see a handful. But most said communications issues with PCM or such. Does this mean that I need to replace a bunch of parts or do most of these issues correct themselves when the car is restarted?
Sounds like electrical issues, maybe a bad ground or loose connection.
There were actually several codes but most had an H. They went by so quickly- that I was only able to see a handful. But most said communications issues with PCM or such. Does this mean that I need to replace a bunch of parts or do most of these issues correct themselves when the car is restarted?
No,It means you have problems!!:L:L:L
Both History and Currant Diagnostic codes go a long ways in helping a "Experienced" Technician find and correct the problem with your car,With out them,We're just Piss'n in the wind!!:thumb:thumb:thumb

This is crazy. I have a 99 Vert and the exact same thing happened to me. c4c5 told me to check the pass door electrical harness to see if it came loose. the next morning the car was fine and I never checked the harness. It's still fine. He said a loose connection in the door would throw all those crazy codes and that could have been why the door was dead.
I'm driving down the road in my vette and the display starts stating that maintenance is needed, then all the gauges died and message saying engine has reduced power, the windows died and the a/c stopped. I turned the car off and restarted it and it was normal again but a few miles up the road it happened again. Is the computer dying?? It works again but the right door is completely dead. Passenger window switch on both doors is dead as well as the passenger door lock. The driver's door switch and window work.
Not the best C5 day. 42k miles for those wondering. convertible.:confused:mad

My 98 did the same thing eleven years a go.
I took it into the shop and never had the problem again.
but I can not remember (at this time) what the fix was.
This is crazy. I have a 99 Vert and the exact same thing happened to me. c4c5 told me to check the pass door electrical harness to see if it came loose. the next morning the car was fine and I never checked the harness. It's still fine. He said a loose connection in the door would throw all those crazy codes and that could have been why the door was dead.
First off to the OP, you can pause the codes by hitting the options button once they start automatically scrolling through. Then you can manually advance through them and write each one down.

As for what Paul said (C4C5 Specialist), that is exactly what you should have done, as well as the OP. This is somewhat common when this issue arises. Here is a picture of said harness. It is known to create this condition and either door can create the problem.



You need to check this harness on both doors and make sure that none of the wires are being pulled out of the cannector. As a matter of fact, the car will probably start acting right as you're fooling with those connectors. Make sure that you have the dash lights on so that you can see them flickering just in case. That will tell you which door the problem lies.
Fantastic reply to my post. Any difficulties in removing the accordion?
Nope, they just pop right out.

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