Former Corvette Powertrain Lead Engineer, Jim Minneker, tells a story about a C5 cold weather development trip he and other GM engineers took in the early 00s. This was back when Goodyear offered snow tires in the C5 sizes.
GM has a cold weather testing facility in the U.P. of MI in a place called "Kinross" where it's colder than a rat's ass in the Yukon. Not only is it cold, but the U.P. gets lots of snow.
GM would do cold weather testing C5s with four Goodyear snow tires. Minneker told me of a test trip they took one time to do some cold weather starting. One the way back from Kinross, down I-75 back to Detroit, they ran into a blizzard. With four tires, active handling and ABS, they were passing SUVs with four-wheel-drive which had to slow down. Pickups and other SUVs were stuck in ditches.
The moral of this story is that you put four real winter tires on a later C5 which has active handing, then put a driver with a little experience in the driver seat and, until the snow is so deep on the road that the car high-centers, you have a good, rear-drive winter car.