Hmmm, sounds like perhaps I'm dating myself: the straight line shifter typical of the Vette or my Accord V6 coupe does not allow for fast, positive, one gear (only) up or down shifting. A dual gate style shifter has a seperate "slot" which allows a very quick up or downshift of only one gear at a time. The Corvette shifter, up until the newly availible paddle shifters in the '06 C6 can be dropped more than one gear, for example, as it does not have a seperate slot.....and that can lead to some "interesting" results.
I was manually shifting a straight line GM 3 speed Turbohydro 350 in a demo '69 Olds Cutlass I had when I hit nuetral at high speed (82mph IIRC)..... The results were somewhat spectacular when the temp sensing unit literally unscrewed itself from the engine block followed by lots of very hot coolant! Yup, buying a demo is always a good way to get a "deal", uh-huh. When the steam cleared I opened the hood and found the sensor hanging by its wire and manually screwed it back into the engine. Rolled her over to a nearby gas station, added H2O and away I went.......... OTOH a buddy with his '68 Hurst Olds could not do that thanks to his Hurst dual gate shifter that was slotted to positively allow only one gear up or down at a time plus it had the typical straight line (like our Corvettes) to allow automatic shifting. The straight line is not conducive to using an automatic manually thru curves with fast, precise shifts. Hence the question.......DFO