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F/S 1990 ZR-1


Nov 30, 2002
1973 L-82 COUPE, 1976 Coupe, 1990 ZR-1
Please see my ad here...http://www.cars-on-line.com/38072.html

All the information is included in the ad...but for more info or photos just reply to the ad, call, or reply here and I will respond ASAP.

Price reduced to $23,800...shipping is optional.

Thanks CAC
1990 ZR-1 FOR SALE

Well, the car was sold and then the guy backed out...as he could not get a loan for the additionl funds (credit problems).

Car is still available...please make sure you have your monies in place prior to commiting. I am now going to ask for a cash "good faith down payment" from the future buyer. That amount is yet to be determined.

This is a really great car at a reasonable price for its fantastic condition. One last thing...to address all the low ball offers and the individuals whom think they can buy the car for pennies...please do not respond to my ad, as the price is the price...if you don't like it...move on and bother someone else.

Thanks CAC

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