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Flippin Roof Recall


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2005
"06 Z06, Kawasaki ZZR, "66 supercharged Chev 489
A month or two ago I finally went in for the roof recall. The dealer didn't treat me very well--promised to get it fixed in one visit, but hadn't even ordered the parts, till after the first visit.

Anyway, it started creaking worse after the repair, and now I can lift one corner of the roof about an inch and look under it. Is that a bad thing or is it fine because it was the appropriate GM authorized repair???:mad
Just a hint here but after the third attempt during the warranty period by a GM dealer to repair and this repair fails, .....LEMON LAW!! New roof time...dealer has no choice in the matter but to follow through....one down, two to go...hammer time!! :w
So the lemon law doesn't require a new car, just more attempts to repair? Where's the fun in that?
So the lemon law doesn't require a new car, just more attempts to repair? Where's the fun in that?

As I understand the 'lemon law', three failed repair attempts by the dealer within the OEM factory warranty time makes you 'very' eligible...as a result, you move into the drivers seat at that point...simply make mention of this to your dealer and watch him jump!! :ohnoes

Look into it as I am sure you will qualify as long as the warranty time frame is correct ...keep us posted as you discover the results for your area/State!
Hi there,
If you can lift the plastic AWAY from the frame, you need to speak to the service manager IMMEDIATELY and show him.
That is NOT approved by GM, IN ANY WAY>
Allthebest, c4c5
One local Chevy dealer (the closest), declined to help--even after direct contact by GM Custimer Service! because they didn't do the original recall repair. GM says they DO have the right to refuse service, even under warranty...

The lemon law in Kentucky isn't going to help AT ALL because it requires 4 failed attempts to repair or 30 days out of service within the first 12 months/12,000 miles of original purchase--not just within the warranty period.

The original recall-repair dealer is 12 or 15 miles away and out of state, but is willing to make more (weak) attempts to repair. Oh, good. But that is the best I could generate after spending one hour on the phone with the GM Customer Assistance Center.
This is really a safety issue.
I think you might do well to look at the NHTSA web site. The recall is also there and they are certainly aware of the problem.
The dealers have no say about refusing to repair a documented safetyn issue!

Good Luck
HI there,
Yes, you need to go back to the same dealer who did the original repair, not someone else.
Personally, if that happened to me, and someone else did the recall, and then you came to me, I would request my regional service rep from GM give me authorization because of the LIABILITY of the service.
Just my 2 cents on this.
Allthebest, c4c5
GM customer service originally said that since the car is still under bumper-to-bumper warranty, that the dealer had no reason to refuse service. Later (after talking to the service manager at the local dealership) she said that the dealership has a right to refuse, which they did, based on "workmanship" issues.

Now, after contacting the other dealership (that did the original "repair"), they also decline to help! They say since it needs a new roof panel and they don't have a body shop, they can't do anything.
I ended up calling back to customer service, got voice mail, no call-back... On thinking the events through, I realized that after an hour on the phone with GM, talking to two different levels of customer service, and numerous times waiting on hold, all they did was send me back to the local dealers!

I think GM has decided to take a cheap approach to the problem, despite the fact it doesn't work--they don't want to pay for a proper fix.
It appears we are on our own to fix this problem--GM isn't going to.

The next step is the Better Business Bureau (according to the GM warranty manual).
Everyone who has put up with this problem and it hasn't gotten fixed should contact them!
I intend to contact the BBB by e-mail, but I don't think they have any direct power to resolve it--if they get enough complaints they will contact GM and put some pressure on.

BBB Auto Line Program
Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc
4200 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1804

phone: 1-800-955-5100

My next solution may be Gorilla Glue. When I look under the roof panel, there isn't a wide flat surface to glue to. It is basically a honeycomb body surface the roof has to attach to. Gorilla Glue is very strong, but expands during drying, so I will need to weight to roof down so it isn't forced up by the drying, expanding glue.

Any thoughts? Cautions? Thanks!
HI there,
Yes, I have some thoughts.
First, the recall does work, but if the INSPECTION of the roof isnt correct, then injection of the bonding foam WILL NOT WORK.
So, in this case, you must look at the technician performing the repair, not the actual repair itself.
We are instructed that if we can insert a .010 feeler gauge under ANY portion of the top between the plastic and the frame, that we order a top.
It is THAT cut and dry.
The repair, injecting the foam, does rectify the condition so long as it is NOT separated from the top frame.
If it has already separated, then its done and there is nothing repair that can be performed that will work.
Allthebest, c4c5
Now, after contacting the other dealership (that did the original "repair"), they also decline to help! They say since it needs a new roof panel and they don't have a body shop, they can't do anything.
No body shop in the state of KY capable of tackling this? :eyerole Please...

My next solution may be Gorilla Glue. When I look under the roof panel, there isn't a wide flat surface to glue to. It is basically a honeycomb body surface the roof has to attach to. Gorilla Glue is very strong, but expands during drying, so I will need to weight to roof down so it isn't forced up by the drying, expanding glue.

Any thoughts? Cautions? Thanks!

Although I hate having to think this way, but my 2c, don't touch anything, get documentation and photos in order, and be prepared to present your case against the original dealership.
HI there,
Yes, I have some thoughts.
First, the recall does work, but if the INSPECTION of the roof isnt correct, then injection of the bonding foam WILL NOT WORK.
So, in this case, you must look at the technician performing the repair, not the actual repair itself.
We are instructed that if we can insert a .010 feeler gauge under ANY portion of the top between the plastic and the frame, that we order a top.
It is THAT cut and dry.
The repair, injecting the foam, does rectify the condition so long as it is NOT separated from the top frame.
If it has already separated, then its done and there is nothing repair that can be performed that will work.
Allthebest, c4c5
I certainly respect your opinion and expertise, c4c5.
One local dealer refused to get involved--they had previously done only one car with the injection according to factory instructions, cracked the roof panel, ordered a new one, and it took 6 weeks to arrive, so now they don't want to do any more.
The other dealer said if it needs a new roof panel it is out of their hands--they have no body shop.

The rear driver side corner lifts 1-2 inches. I don't think I will get out my feeler gauge for this one.

If GM has a good solution, why are so many owners having recurrent separation???

And, yes, 1stiff84, obviously there are other Chevy dealers in Kentucky, but I don't think I should have to take the car to who-knows-how-many service centers, hoping I will finally find one which can do the job. Puhlease, no. You can roll your eyes about it, but if it were your car, and you had spent the time on it that I have with negative results, you probably wouldn't feel quite that casual. I have three kids under the age of two (including twins a couple months old), and every trip to drop the car off or pick it up means my wife and I load up kids and drive two vehicles. But that is just an aside--I think anybody going through a failed recall repair like this is suffering, independent of their personal situation.

I sort of respect the dealership which refused, on the basis that they didn't know how to do it, and GM isn't giving them adequate training/instructions/materials/etc. I think it is a corporate negligence problem, not the local dealers, because there are so many owners who have taken their cars in for the recall and it doesn't get fixed.
And, yes, 1stiff84, obviously there are other Chevy dealers in Kentucky, but I don't think I should have to take the car to who-knows-how-many service centers, hoping I will finally find one which can do the job. Puhlease, no. You can roll your eyes about it, but if it were your car, and you had spent the time on it that I have with negative results, you probably wouldn't feel quite that casual. I have three kids under the age of two (including twins a couple months old), and every trip to drop the car off or pick it up means my wife and I load up kids and drive two vehicles. But that is just an aside--I think anybody going through a failed recall repair like this is suffering, independent of their personal situation.


You've misinterpreted my post. My first comment was directed at the original dealership who I interpreted was unwilling to help you with a new top because they didn't have a body shop (i.e., surely they could have found a competent body shop in KY to address any work they couldn't do in-house).

Unfortunately, my other suggestion stands.

Good luck!

I see from your avatar you live in KY...although time consuming, it may be worth the time to drive right over to Bowling Green and demand that some one from customer service have a look...walk right in the front office doors...NCM is right next store...go there as well...DEMAND ATTENTION!! ;help

'the dog that barks the loudest gets fed first'....:ohnoes
Sorry, 1stiff84, I did misunderstand.
Hi there,
HOLD ON!!!!!!
We are VERY WELL TRAINED, and I personally am proof of that.
If they want to do the job correctly, the information is there for them to do it RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
Do NOT fault GM because in every SINGLE ROOF RECALL THAT I PERSONALLY HAVE PERFORMED, there has not been one reoccurance of the condition.
Thats 32 bonding foam repairs and 3 top replacements.
Allthebest, c4c5
Very impressive results, c4c5, although if you don't have long-term follow-up on all 35 cars, you can't be sure about the end results.

Anyway, as I have said before, I do respect your opinions. I have read many of your posts, enough to believe you are both well-trained and intelligent.

Nevertheless, I am frustrated with this situation (for one thing, you are in Connecticut, not Kentucky, so I can't very well ask you to do the repair.) It seems to me that if the local dealerships can't/won't fix it, and GM wants to limit its involvement to simply saying, "Go back to your local dealers", I am stuck searching out-of-area, without guidance. It is a recall issue, and since the top is coming off, it is also a warranty problem, but nobody wants to take responsibility. I feel like I did my part--took it to a dealer (twice) and went to pick it up (twice), and it is worse than before, so GM should step up and get somebody to come get it and fix it properly.

Do I think that will happen (or anything like it)--NO! Individual owners seem to get close to zero attention from the factory, in response to questions/problems.

I'm just exercising my Constitutionally guaranteed right to whine.
Ultimately I'll have to break down and take it out of town someplace and hope they know what they are doing at that dealer...
But I still think GM is dropping the ball. They are ones who decide what dealerships are called authorized service centers, so why does it become my responsibility to find out by trial and error which can do the job?
Gersh,is your car dark in color? I ask this as the "roof seperation issue" seems to increase in the summer heat. I've heard of "gorilla glue" but I've never worked with it personally. However, there are some adhesives that would be suitable. It seems like the SMC and factory glus are not holding~especially when the sun beats down on it. When my top was in for recall, the tech told me the color of the underside of the roof panel is what is important. Mine was black (bad.) The new roof panel is white (good, they say.) I still have the black panel installed on my Z06. I've had zero seperation issues (so far.) I try to park in the shade & crack my windows when the car is out.

Look into epoxies also as it'll be a lot better the GM's "foam."

Remember, they bought the foam based on price.

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