Well, it's good thing I cracked it open.
*At a quick glance, the center-pin took the worst hit, there are clear wear/flat marks (almost like a hex head nut) around the pin where at times it wasn't rotating. However, I can easily rotate the center pin with a finger.
*The stub-axles still have a 'very-slight' raised area in their centers...maybe a few thousands. Spline-marks from the stub-axles can faintly be seen on the center-pin. The stub-axles are NOT mushroomed-over as I heard would be, but just a 'slight lip' can be felt with a fingernail.
*Notice the clutch-pack retention clips...it would appear they are about to fall into the posi gears, not so, they are held where they are by the clutch pack.
*With a dial indicator on the Ring-Gear, and holding the Pinion Yoke steady, it appears I have a LOT of lash .011 thousands!
* on the end-face of the pinion gear is scribed 057 is this referenced to the shim that was used to set Pinion depth into the Ring gear???
So, what's my next move???
1) a new center-pin is for sure.
2) just go ahead and get a new clutch pack too?
3) do I purchase 'new' stub-axles or, do I chance re-manufactured stub-axles'???
Something about "reman" just has me worried but, the 'new' axles are NOT GM > both new & reman come from Loanstar Caliper.
I honestly don't want to replace 'yoke-bearings' and get into shimming the ring gear etc but, everything I know tells me, a bearing and its race (the stub-axle bearing surface) once-run are a matched pair.
*I've read where people just replace stub axles and center-pin and call it good, is this all I should be doing here?
Again, the rear made no grinding, humming or whining...over the decades when the car would sit for a few months and at rare times when coasting to a stop the clutches would 'clunk', some figure 8's in a parking lot and that was gone!