Since I have an LT-1 just like yours, and last year I bought back my old '66 L-79, I'll give you my .02. You know what a screamer the LT-1 is, although mine is a little handicapped from a previous owner installing 3.08 gears (great for high speed cruising, though!) The L-79 is more docile, you could slow down to 35 MPH in 4th gear and just speed back up if you wanted to. The power band is wider than the LT-1. It will get up and go when rowing through the gears, but runs out of steam a little at the upper end where the LT-1 is still pulling strong. My L-79 sounds great (I have factory sidepipes), but at idle is nowhere near as impressive sounding as the LT-1. I would say the L-79 is a bit more mild, although at the track, the LT-1 is only 2/10ths quicker.