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Hypertech Stage II ?'s

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One main question anyway,

Why do they reccomend a fan switch with those when you have the powerstat installed?

Second stupid question,

If I install a performance TPS (the kind from Corvette Central or Ecklers), will it overwrite the hypertech chip?

BTW this is on an '84 w/auto tranny

The fan switch will turn on the fan at 175 and off at 165. This is recommended with the thermomaster and powerstat 160. If you don't get the fan switch it won't turn on till 225 (or 195 depending on what you have in there now). If you are getting the thermomaster (also called stage 2 hypertech) you need the switch.

I don't know about your second question.
--Drew:w :bu
You do not want to run both the Throttle Performance Switch and the Stage Two Thermo Master at the same time. As far as I know, the TPS and the stage 2 chip do basiclly the same thing except the chip also chages the shift points at which the torque converter locks up. Instead of my tranny shifting into overdrive at 35 mph as it did with the stock chip, it now shifts into overdrive at 45 mph.

Thanks for this post and thanks to Drewser!!! I did not realize I had to run the fan switch. I guess I will order that today.

I run the Hypertech thermomaster chip in my 84. I run the 160 degree stat and Flow Cooler water pump. I changed my fan switch to a 200 degree switch it comes on at 200 degrees and shuts off at 190 degrees. In heavy traffic in the summer it stays between 190 and 200 degrees, however on the highway it runs between 170 and 180 degrees. This keeps the car running in closed loop. In the winter time on the highway or even around town I am lucky to see 165 degrees. In my opinion I don't think you will gain much by using a 165 degree fan switch if you can find one and if you stay at 160 degrees all the time you will be running in open loop. Just my two cents worth...........maybe not even that.

You can get the 160* fan switch from hypertech or like I did, get it from Autozone (they ordered it from hypertech) cheaper than from hypertech directly. You are still in closed loop with the 160* switch, you see, you don't run at 160* all the time. The fan switch turns OFF at 165* and back ON at 175*. In the summer here my temp can get over 200 (with the ac on in traffic) but on the highway it usually stays below 180, with or without ac. My oil temp stays above 220 so all the crap burns off. What do you gain? About 15 or 20 degrees. The whole purpose of the powerstat and thermomaster chip are to LOWER the operating temp of the engine/coolant, to theoretically lower the temperature of the air at intake. This is supposed to make a more dense fuel/air mixture and more power. By running a higher temperature fan switch you are operating at a higher temperature, thus nullifying the effects of the chip and powerstat. You have in effect, spent the extra money for a thermomaster chip/powerstat just to get the improved shift points. Just my opinion...take what ya like and leave the rest.
--Drew:w :bu
Brewster thanks for the thread, I'll give the 175 degree switch a bash. They are certainly easy enough to change out. However like I said the engine never gets over 165 degrees in the winter, but I will give it a try with summer around the corner. Other mods on this car are 1.6 to 1 roller rockers, underdrive pulley system, K&N air cleaner, real dual exhaust system (no cats) TPIS plug wires, Hypertech cap and coil, Accell ignition modual, and Bosch platium + 4 plugs. It runs good enough to play with my ZR1 with the power key off and weighs about 430 pounds less. I believe the 84's do excellent on the skid pad too. Later, and thank you for your input.
Were did you get your true dual exhaust at vettl83 + did it add a good chunk of power? thanks.
The cooler you are running the WHOLE engine the less efficient it is. What they are doing is cooling the intake charge but they are approaching it the wrong way. What you can do is put a phenolic spacer in between the intake manifold and the heads. This reduces heat transfer to the intake manifold keeping it cooler.

The engine runs more efficiently at 200 deg.

just my .02 cents

Hypertech Stage II's

I have ordered the Hypertech stage II w/160 degree thermostat and lower temp switch. (I think it is 200 to 185).

One thing I noticed when I got the chip and I later remembered this from my "Fiero" days. It also requires 93 octane fuel be used. The reason: It advance the spark at WOT. Therefore it needs higher octane to keep from pinging. I guess the knock sensor can't correct that much advance.

I don't for a minute buy that dense air stuff they try to sell. After thinking it over I may return the chip. Since Hypertech does not even mention "shift points" changing I would suspect that is caused by the lower temp or something. From what I can get from them all that they did was advance the spark at WOT. That is all they admit. BTW my OD kicks in at 47 now.

Also we dumped a Hypertech chip for the Fiero and that was the only table that was differenf from the stock chip. Not sure about the Corvette however. But I have to get this thing cooler. I am losing coolant from somewhere. I suspect It is boiling away because it gets so hot. It is not leaking and the engine is not burning it so that is about the only place it could be going. After I am home with the car in the garage I notice a small pattern of vapor condensing on the hood right above the radiator cap. This indicates that it is getting too hot but it usually reads around 200 or so but the fan dcon't go off until about 228. In traffic that is too hot IMHO. That allows the temp to go up to 235 before it starts back down.
Now that I think about it and after I rechecked my info, Hypertech does recomend using the 200 degree fan switch, the stock does turn on at 220 + degrees. ref. Mid-America cost of switch 17.00 As for the dual exhaust system question the system can be purchased from Mid-America or Central Corvette. I chose Mid-Americas ZR1 style mufflers (if you want to call them mufflers.) They have the ZR1 square tips with two little round glass packs. They are quite loud but sound great if you don't mind the decibals. However you can put any 2.25 inch mufflers for the 84 on depending on the sound level you want. These mufflers loose a little bit of power coming out of the hole, but midrange and top end is great. While your at it if you decide to go with this system you may as well install the air pump eliminator kit. Keep in mind that I live in Wyoming and we don't have noise or tailpipe test police here. Good luck
Hypertech Stage II?'s

I can second that. I too have the ZR1 tipped mufflers (?) on my '85. They do sound like the coming of the new year. :) They were on it when I bought it though. But I do like them, akin to my '55 Chevy with glass paks. We also don't have noise police here.
But I would not recommend them for anyone who has a problem with some rumble
The Hypertech chip for the CFI is a POS!

ya ya

Twinnie said:
The Hypertech chip for the CFI is a POS!

That may be but it is still better than the stock Delco chip. My 2 cents worth.
(besides, if I could fit that monster twin turbo under my hood I wouldn't need the damn chip!)
vettl83 , where did you see the air pump eliminator pump kit? ...I saw it once but kind find it again.
It's certainly NOT better than the stock Delco prom!

There are newer revisions of the stock prom;. Try to get the latest one! Guys on Crossfire vault can prolly supply a suitable prom.

A lot of people have erratic idle and other closed loop problems, caused by the Hypertech prom. The ADS one is MUCH better.

The perf. gain of the hypertech chip = 0!

The only benefit is the TCC disable in lower 3 gears, ADS does that too!

I have hypertech, ads, stock & modified stock proms. modded stocks work best!

Another thing is that the 160 stat doesn't really help perf! It also doesn't do your engine any good, oil too cold and closed loop engages at 170-175 so if outside temp is low it'll run in open loop for extended periods of time. It not only hurts fuel consumption but also TCC doesn't work in open loop, tranny will run hot!

Oh.. and the twin tubo fits under your hood! Cut away the airbox and you're in business!
All runners are laid down, height isn't a problem at all!
Hey twinnie

What could I expect from a modded stock prom?

Brewster, if I remember correctly Turbo City offers new updated ecm's for the CFI along with better breathing manifolds and bigger throttle bodies. I do believe the breathing capabilities on the intake are very limited on the stock CFI, if one can correct this problem it opens the door for many possibilities such as better flowing heads, bigger cams, etc, etc, etc, you may want to visit their website at www.turbocity.com Just a thought
The thing is, Dane--I kinda wanna keep this thing stock. If I was going to start working on the heads, porting and polishing, rollers and all, I would put the x-ram with larger TBs on too, then the hot cam and...where would it all end? I might as well drop a crate motor in and just go for the 500hp that I really want, which would necessitate a better tranny and...do you see where I'm going with this? Why not just buy a new Z06 and get it over with, and the lingenfelter turbo kit while I'm at it? That will come soon I hope. Until then I am trying to keep this particular 84 as stock as possible, that is to say to put on mods that I can remove if I want without permanently altering the car, and still trying to squeeze as many ponies out of it as possible. I do appreciate your input though.
Hyptertech Stage II ?s

I have a question from those of you who have already made this modification on a Vette.
I have done it on a Fiero and it was much different.

Actually it is not the Hypertech part that is the questionable. It is the lower temp fan switch.
They sent me the switch that goes from 200 degrees down to 185 degrees from Ecklers.
My question is: why does the wiring harness need to be modificied? Why cannot the old wiring be used? They sent me another wiring harness with instructions on how to tap into the wire going to the relay, etc. Just how extensive is this mod? I would not expect to be re-wiring the switch just to change it's turn on point.

On an 85 there are no mods necessary to any swithes or relays with the Hypertech Stage II. Only the stat needs changing to the 160. The fan control off/on points are controlled by the ECM.

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