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I guess my back is against the wall....


Well-known member
May 26, 2003
1986 Black "Indy 500 Pace car replica"
My motor is showing signs of dying after the visit to the shop. I have accepted the fate that this life has dealt me. I can either go through a huge legal battle. Pay out the rear to have the motor built, or by the parts and let the shop make due on his word about rebuilding the motor free of labor.

I would rather not have that shop do it. On the otherhand if he wants me out of his hair he will do it right. I was originally talking to a member about doing some modifications to my engine, but I have come to realize that right now, and the near future the funds for this project are just not there. I am faced with rebuilding the engine close to stock, or just letting it sit for a year or so. You all know how bad that hurts.

I am asking for some feedback. I needed the car to last me two more years at least, and then I would be graduated from college with a better paying job. By then the money wouldn't be as much of a problem as it is now. If I settle for a rebuild, I could drive the car for another five years, and then worry about modifying the *&%# out of it. By then I could afford a rebuild for the tranny, and a brand new differential, perhaps new suspension and brakes.

So should I rebuild it, or let it sit under a tarp on jackstands? Can anyone help me with some good brand parts if I choose to rebuild?


I can only tell you what "I" would do in your case. I would definitely rebuild the engine and get back to driving your Vette.

But, that is me talking. YOU have to decide what is best for you!

I hope this helps. You are a swell guy. You were put in a difficult situation. You seem to be handling this very well. I do not think I would have reacted as responsibly as you have.


Save The Wave! :w


I think if I had to look at tarp under which my non-running vette sat for 2 years, I would go nuts! Rebuild it, enjoy it. When you graduate and get a good job you can modify it to what ever level you want (and do it right). Sorry I don't have any parts to help out.

Good luck
You know the keys to my vette are yours, as long as I don't have a date :D, or previous plans, but it is not the same, I know that.

The big question is, can you handle being without your car for that long? I don't know if I could but the finished product would be well worth it IMO.
Let me throw out another option.

Find a good L98 SBC in a junk yard – there are thousands of them out there so if you look hard you will be able to get a reliable block and heads for not much money. The swap is quick with min expense and you are back on the road for a few years. You will also have your old block and heads to start modifying and slowly build the motor you want.

As you get older time speeds up. I have cars and bikes that have awaiting restoration for more than 10 years and no they are not dead-end projects. We just put a perfect MGA back on the road that was dismantled in the early 70´s and my 82 Aspencade spent 7 years in pieces - today it is in concourse condition.

However you go good luck.:w
new GM ZZ4!!! jeg's sells them. i think 350 horses! 3 year warrenty.
If you don't mind driving to South Carolina or paying freight, I know someone that has a few complete L98's around from wreaked vets that he has parted out. PM me if you would like his information.

Let me throw out another option.

Find a good L98 SBC in a junk yard – there are thousands of them out there so if you look hard you will be able to get a reliable block and heads for not much money. The swap is quick with min expense and you are back on the road for a few years. You will also have your old block and heads to start modifying and slowly build the motor you want.

As you get older time speeds up. I have cars and bikes that have awaiting restoration for more than 10 years and no they are not dead-end projects. We just put a perfect MGA back on the road that was dismantled in the early 70´s and my 82 Aspencade spent 7 years in pieces - today it is in concourse condition.

However you go good luck.:w

I agree... or yank your engine and put a rebuilt longblock in it. Gen 1 350's can be had for CHEAP. that will give you the time to really build up your original engine, and if the labor is free to install, you will probably only be out $1500 for a basic engine.

found this site: http://www.precisionengine.com/g_engines_d_chevy.html

looks like you can get a long block for under $1000. i have no idea if they are a good company or not, but the prices seem good.
There's a place called Fparts Salvage on Ebay, and Dino's Corvette salvage, (both are also on the net) that sell complete L98s for Corvettes (with all injection hardware, etc.), for about $1500. Propose that the engine rebuilder buy it and install it. To defray cost, you or he can turn around and sell the TPI that comes with used engine, or can sell/salvage your broken engine etc. Or, you can have someone else install the engine and the engine guy can pay for it. What I would do is make a list of all the costs, all the items you could salvage for resale, and work with the engine rebuilder for the best deal you can. I think a direct replacement engine is your best bet, and would recommend you stay away from engine rebuilders who will promise the moon in performance, keep your car forever, charge you endlessly and usually fail to deliver as promised, and also stay away from crate motors at this time, as they introduce a whole additional raft of problems and issues that you don't need. Beware of people saying they can take your existing engine and rebuild it with all sorts of wonderful power, efficiency etc.

/s/ Chris Kennedy
Yeah, I might look into buying an engine from one of these places. However, will they give me a guarentee on the condition of the engine, and how many miles are on the motor. I will have to call sometime.

Quoted by Vettefan87:

You know the keys to my vette are yours, as long as I don't have a date , or previous plans, but it is not the same, I know that.

You would need me to take your car out and get you a date.:L
I like Spanish Vettes idea!

This seems to be the most reasoned response. A relatively easy short term fix with the opportunity to eventually do whatever you want with your original engine. Ask if the used enigne has had a compression check or better yet if they can do a leak down test for you.. They also can usually tell you how many miles were on the car they took it out of. Good Luck. I'd hate to see your Vette sit but if it has to it will be wating for you when you are ready. What would you do for transportation if it sits?
I have to agree with SpanishVettes and MileHighGreg. Don't let your car sit under a tarp while you slowly burn...

Work a deal with your shop, get a good used engine that's been checked out (warranty/guarantee?) swap it in and set your original aside until you can build the stomper you really want. At least you will still be driving your CORVETTE!My .02..;)

I have dealt with Dino's a couple of times and they did deliver. I had an issue with one of their used a-mold rims, and they refunded some of my money (worked with me to resolve).

Here's another reason you want to do it this way: If these guys screwed up the engine the first time, who's to say they will do it right now? Give them a complete engine and they won't be doing any internal work, just assembly to car.
Sothpaw's got a good point; however, if you can get them to give you a good warrantee on their internal work then I wouldn't hesitate to go that route. One problem with buying a used motor is that you don't know the condition unless it's been broken down - and then you're in the same boat, with them building it up.

What sort of parts are we talking about? Lifters/pushrods/rockers? Or crank/pistons/bearings?

If the first, just buy the cheapest you can and have them install them. Heck, buy used roller lifters. If they haven't been abused, they should be fine...

If the second, spend some money now and find a good price on some QUALITY parts. Forged pistons, forged crank, etc. Have them do the work, and then when YOU'RE ready to do the top end, you already have a beefed-up bottom end.

I feel for you. I have one and only one person besides myself that I trust to work on my Vette. Mine was out of commission for ~18 months because of a number of issues, and I'll tell you that those were the hardest 18 months I've had in a LONG time. Sothpaw and Mad Mic did let me take their cars out for occasional spins, but it really is not the same.

Quoted by milehigreg
What would you do for transportation if it sits? Today 10:09 AM

If it sits, I have a toyota 4Runner that I drive. It is reliable, but I like not to drive it that much in the summer, because from late september, to early april that is my only transportation. I also have a 73 Trans Am, but that is not a daily driver. I could drive it 3 or so times a week, but I dont want to put too many miles on that either because something on that could break. I know some people have it alot worse then I do.

Quoted by rrubel
What sort of parts are we talking about? Lifters/pushrods/rockers? Or crank/pistons/bearings?

I am looking at a total rebuild. The guy said the labor is free. I originally wanted another shop to do it, but realized it would take me close to two years to save the money. He did say he would give me a 5 year 50,000 mile warranty. If I get this in writing, I would feel much better. I just want to freshen it up. I know I want the heavy duty race bearings in their. I would like a new cam, maybe bigger valves in the heads with some porting, and also an intake. I am currently thinking about buying a big mouth manifold, siamese runners, ported plenum, with fuel rails and injectors from a member. I will buy new pistons, and have the crank turned. Everything else I would like to buy new. I dont want to bother. What kind of cam should I get, and who will program the prom for me. Oh add long tubes to the list. I think TPIS does custom tuning.

As far as buying an engine, I have no guarentee about that longevity either. I could easily be in the same boat. If I get a warranty, I will be a little happier

Thanks to all for the help, I really mean thanks to everyone.
I throw in another vote with spanish. To have your vette sit for a yr just isn't exceptable.
How much emotion is there in the 73 T/A? And how is it optioned? Can it be sold to help the Vette problem. If you aren't up on the specifics of the T/A pricing and the current market, I can give you the phone number of someone that may be able to make something happen for you.

And wether you fix the Vette now or later, I still owe you (and your brother thanks to my big mouth) some time behind the wheel of my 98.

Good luck with the decision. Not one I envy.
Vettefan87 said:
Thats, alright I'll give Craig my time. If I drive one, I will probably want one.
Why do you think I ended up buying one:eyerole.

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