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I guess my back is against the wall....

What is the flow difference between the two. I assume the 113's have a D shaped port. However does anyone have a flow bench comparison. Yes I was aware that the D ports flow better. If I can find a set, they would need the port work, which would probably cost me money because he has already started on my heads, so doing two would become more.

Would it really be the matter of a second off my ET's. Just out of curiosity, I notice that those vettes are only rated about 20 hp more then mine. Or is it a matter of the more mods you have the more apparent the d port head is?
vetteboy86 said:
What is the flow difference between the two. I assume the 113's have a D shaped port. However does anyone have a flow bench comparison. Yes I was aware that the D ports flow better. If I can find a set, they would need the port work, which would probably cost me money because he has already started on my heads, so doing two would become more.

Would it really be the matter of a second off my ET's. Just out of curiosity, I notice that those vettes are only rated about 20 hp more then mine. Or is it a matter of the more mods you have the more apparent the d port head is?

if he's already started go with what you got and yes the D Ports are that much better IMO but we shall see very soon. :D
Moonunit 451 said:

i had first dibs on those heads but i offered him 800 bucks and told him i'd go as high as 900 but that was it. unfortunatly that is too much money and most of that is in the name TPiS. i doubt they will sell at that price.

i am looking at these heads but when done i'll have over 1500 in them. assembled they are 1200 but i'm gonna add better springs for more lift, titanium retainers, basically all the good sh!t.

High-Flow 197 Heads
Bolt-on horsepower - complete and ready to install! Designed to support 425-500 hp in 350-406ci engines. Features large, high quality stainless steel 2.055'' intake and 1.600'' exhaust valves that offer superior flow over typical 2.02'' valve set-ups. The intake port cross-section was designed for good mid-range power. Works well with cams featuring duration of 210-240° @ .050''.
  • 197cc Intake runners
  • 1.440'' Springs
  • 1.875'' Installed height, 130 lbs. seat pressure
  • 3/8'' Studs and 5/16'' guideplates included
  • 2.055'' Intake/1.600'' Exhaust valves
[font=helvetica,]High-Flow 197 Aluminum Cylinder Heads - 197cc Intake Runners, 64cc Combustion Chambers[/font] 555-51411SB-Chevy High-Flow 197 Aluminum Cylinder Heads 2.055'' Int/1.60'' Exh Valves
1.440'' Springs, .680'' Max Lift Soild/Flat Tappet, Hydraulic Roller Cams
Angle Plug
<LI>Sold as Each
| More Details | Related Products


this is an 23* race head BTW.

555-51411SB-Chevy High-Flow 197 Aluminum Cylinder Heads 2.055'' Int/1.60'' Exh Valves
1.440'' Springs, .680'' Max Lift Soild/Flat Tappet, Hydraulic Roller Cams
Angle Plug
<LI>Sold as Each
JEG'S Cylinder Head Specifications: Part # 51411 23 degree valve angle, angle plug design, SB-Chevrolet
Materials Casting: A356-A Virgin Grade, Heat Treated to T-6
Valve Guides: Manganese Bronze
Valve Seats: Alloy, For use with Unleaded Gasoline
<LI>Combustion Chamber: 64cc Intake

Port Volume: 197cc
Valve Diameter: 2.055'' Stainless Steel # 555-20561
Valve Length: 4.910''
Valve Stem Diameter: 11/32''
Valve Stem Seal Diameter: 531'' Teflon
Port Dimension: 1.300'' x 2.050''
Flow: 259 cfm @ .700'' lift 28'' of water
<LI>Gasket: Fel-Pro # 375-1205 or Mr.Gasket # 720-5821 Exhaust

Valve Diameter: 1.600'' Stainless Steel, # 555-20566
Valve Length: 4.910''
Valve Stem Diameter: 11/32''
Valve Stem Seal Diameter: .531'', Teflon
Port Dimension: 1.490'' x 1.340''
Flow: 203cfm @ .700'' lift 28'' of water
<LI>Gasket: Fel-Pro # 375-1404 or Mr. Gasket # 720-5900 Valve Train

Stud Size: 7/16'', 7/16'' 14 x .875''(bottom) 3/8'' 24 x 1.950'' (top), #555-20525
Guide Plates: JEG’S # 555-20521 (5/16'' pushrods)
Retainers: Chrome Moly Steel 10 degree, #555-20530
Valve Locks: 10 degree
Pushrods: 5/16'' Heat Treated, Must Check Length
Springs: 1.440'' .680'' Maximum Lift, Solid/Flat Tappet & Hydraulic Roller #555-20540
<LI>Spring Cups: .570'' Inside Diameter Locater, .060'' thick # 555-20555 Accessories

Head Bolts: Stock Dimensions Recommend 12-Point Head
Head Studs: Stock Dimensions Recommend 12-Point Head
Spark Plug: 14mm 3/4'' reach 5/8'' Hex with Washer Seat
Stud Girdle: Stud Location Custom JEG'S # 555-20500
Head Fastener Washers: Use Quality Hardened Washers
<LI>Accessory Bolt Locations: Stock Placement Torque Specifications

Rocker Studs: 45 ft/lbs.
Manifold Bolts: 35 ft/lbs.
Head Fasteners: See Manufacturers Specifications
Well we are still waiting on some vavletrain parts. Went over there today, and he has almost all my old brakets finished. He bead blasted them,and then painted them so they look like new.
vetteboy86 said:
Well we are still waiting on some vavletrain parts. Went over there today, and he has almost all my old brakets finished. He bead blasted them,and then painted them so they look like new.


Where are you guys getting the parts from? I'm going to redo my valvetrain later this year.:D
We are getting federal mogul parts, or sealed power. We are going with comp cams for the camshaft and components.

I need to buy a waterpump, which brand should I go with? I thought I would go to a place and get an AC DELCO replacement, but will any brand do like the duralast that Auto Zone sells?
Edelbrock makes a pretty good water pump. This is from www.summitracing.com EDL-8815

About $160. I think it was Corvette Fever who used one of these in a TPI 'Vette a few issues back.

Check the hoses at this time. If there is any question or doubt, change both of them. They'll only run you $30 for both upper and lower. Add about $5.00 for clamps.
vetteboy86 said:
I need to buy a waterpump, which brand should I go with? I thought I would go to a place and get an AC DELCO replacement, but will any brand do like the duralast that Auto Zone sells?

I've got a reman'd AC Delco (I think...) that only has about 8k miles on it. You're welcome to it for free. I replaced it with a Flo-Kooler when I re-did my engine.
rrubel said:
I've got a reman'd AC Delco (I think...) that only has about 8k miles on it. You're welcome to it for free. I replaced it with a Flo-Kooler when I re-did my engine.

Any reason why you didn't stick with the AC Delco? I want to buy one that will last. If I buy the autozone part that has a lifetime warranty, that is fine. If it goes out the labor and work involved probably isn't enough to offset the fact that it is replaced for free. If I go more expensive now, then I might be able to avoid this.

Edmond, 160 bucks sounds salty for a water pump. Do they mostly run at this rate?
I wanted a somewhat higher-capacity pump with the buildup I did. I got a good deal on the Flo-Kooler (which claims to also cool, as well as pump). The AC-D was what I'd gone with when I had the stock stuff redone when I bought the car. The one I took off had 132k miles on it if it was the original, and the mechanic thought it might actually have BEEN the original. I have no question about its longevity...

Ok, I mis-spelled the name - it's FlowKooler and their site is here: http://www.flowkooler.com/. I think the pump you'd need is this one: http://www.flowkooler.com/pump.php?pid=WP1688&pid0=TS330 and the price (even from them) doesn't look too bad.

Summit Racing has the WP that Rich uses, it's product number: BRA-1688 It's $99, more manageable than $160. :D
vetteboy86 said:
Any reason why you didn't stick with the AC Delco? I want to buy one that will last. If I buy the autozone part that has a lifetime warranty, that is fine. If it goes out the labor and work involved probably isn't enough to offset the fact that it is replaced for free. If I go more expensive now, then I might be able to avoid this.

Edmond, 160 bucks sounds salty for a water pump. Do they mostly run at this rate?

You know, that was very kind and generous of the gentleman to offer you the water pump for free. How about a "thank you" to him, in addition to these statements of what you want.

/s/ Chris Kennedy
rrubel, I sent you a PM

And chris, yes I thanked him. I think everyone knows how much I appreciate the help here.

Oh on a different note my AFPR came today, along with plug wires for the Trans Am.
Chris, no sweat. He PM'd me and thanked me for the offer. Right now we're trying to decide if he should actually go for the FlowKooler instead...
Edmond said:
Summit Racing has the WP that Rich uses, it's product number: BRA-1688 It's $99, more manageable than $160. :D

That's the pump I'm running. Still warmer tghan I like, as I've said before.
Moonunit 451 said:
That's the pump I'm running. Still warmer tghan I like, as I've said before.

Yeah, but you're running something bigger than a 350. :D Are you running the stock radiator? What about Be Cool and their advertisement of running much cooler than stock? They better for a $500 radiator!:L
At this point, I am going to keep the stock radiator. If I see a problem, I will switch it out. If I get a cooler waterpump, that might help. I will probably keep the 160 degree stat though.

vetteboy86 said:
At this point, I am going to keep the stock radiator. If I see a problem, I will switch it out. If I get a cooler waterpump, that might help. I will probably keep the 160 degree stat though.


Like you did, I rigged both electric fans to come on at (in my case) about 180 degrees, and have thought about also switching to a 160 degree thermostat. What temperature range did you see with both air on and air off with the 160 degree thermostat?

/s/ Chris Kennedy
The air hasn't worked in my car for a couple years now so I really cannot say.
vetteboy86 said:
The air hasn't worked in my car for a couple years now so I really cannot say.

You've got the natural air thing going, just like me.:D We don't need no stinkin' AC.:L

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