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I guess my back is against the wall....


Toyota's don't break. The body will rust and fall off before anything breaks on those.:D

You're in a tough situation. I don't know what I'd do. Also, shoot Jason and e-mail at www.vette2vette.com and see what he charges for a motor. He's probably 4 hours west of you straight on I80.
Yes, I will check all these things out. I am leaning towards having mine rebuilt, but buying a motor to get it in will make things easier and faster. However I will always have that motor sitting there waiting for attention. I am not fully sold on it bieng a bearing.

As far as the TA goes, it surely is a keeper. I bought it dirt cheap, in very good condition. It is fun to drive, it has the 455 equiped with a 4 spd manual transmission. The color is Bucaneer Red. My dad thinks I will be able to retire on it someday. I really wouldn't want to sell any other of my vechicls. If I were I would sell the 4runner.

As far as the Toyota goes, that things runs good, 136k and she is still stomping along. I pulled some trees out with it a couple weeks ago. I actually couldn't get enought traction on the dirt to pull this small tree out. So I decide to get some longer chain, and to put the truck on the road. Well I put it in 4low, and it spun all four wheels on the pavement. I was not happy about that, but there stood the tree. It must have some monster roots. The others, even bigger ones, came out no problem.
Chris Kennedy said:
How many vehicles do you have---just the Corvette or others?

/s/ Chris Kennedy

I have a total of three vehicles including the vette. I will not part with any of them. I just hate to see the vette in the garage, and not out in this wonderful weather.

BTW, I have been looking at some parts. Are sealed power parts any good. The guy at the shop says he uses federal mogul, and this is a branch of that company. Any truth to that, and how good are these parts? Should I mix and match components, or buy one rebuild kit?

vetteboy86 said:
I have a total of three vehicles including the vette. I will not part with any of them. I just hate to see the vette in the garage, and not out in this wonderful weather.

BTW, I have been looking at some parts. Are sealed power parts any good. The guy at the shop says he uses federal mogul, and this is a branch of that company. Any truth to that, and how good are these parts? Should I mix and match components, or buy one rebuild kit?


I see, you have three cars, one of which is the Corvette. What are the other two?


/s/ Chris Kennedy
vetteboy86 said:
I have a total of three vehicles including the vette. I will not part with any of them. I just hate to see the vette in the garage, and not out in this wonderful weather.

BTW, I have been looking at some parts. Are sealed power parts any good. The guy at the shop says he uses federal mogul, and this is a branch of that company. Any truth to that, and how good are these parts? Should I mix and match components, or buy one rebuild kit?


at one time sealed power was the parent company of speed pro with the basic difference being sealed power was the OEM style stuff while Speed Pro was the hot rod stuff, I have not had any problems with either one.

I think TRW may even be the parent company of both but I may be wrong.
a complete sealed power engine kit will have everything you need to rebuild your engine to stock specs keep in mind there are several levels of Kits starting at rings and bearings on up.
Chris Kennedy said:
I see, you have three cars, one of which is the Corvette. What are the other two?


/s/ Chris Kennedy

He has the 1973 Trans Am. The 86 Corvette, and his 95 Toyota 4Runner.
When you're ready to buy parts, I've got a source that I think has great prices. I bought a ton of stuff from them, and while they did steer me wrong on my heads, everything else was great.

Sealed Power is good, as is TRW and Federal Mogul. As was stated, they may all be the same company.

My suggestions:
- TRW forged pistons (cheaper than some cast, and stronger)
- Federal-Mogul or Clevite bearings
- ARP fasteners all around
- stock LT1 con rods - cheap, light, and strong. Can't ask for much more
- Fel-Pro gaskets all around - you can buy a rebuild kit with everything you need
- Speed-Pro plasma moly rings (I think Speed Pro is also a TRW company)
- a good roller timing chain
- stock LT-1 lifters
- decent valves that aren't hideously expensive

I can go on. What's your budget?
Not to belittle your original issue (****ty mechanic screwed up your vette, I've been through that to a lesser degree myself) but man I would have killed to have had those three vehicles(in particular the cherry TA and the Vette not to mention a rice burner to bang around in) when I was in college (I was very poor).
I hope you have a a free range vette again soon.
One thing to consider, I took a Jag to a shadetree mechanic and had to have it towed out 2 years later when he hadn't even come close to finishing it, $2000 later the car still is unreliable(although much of the blame for that goes to the Lord of Darkness, Sir Lucas).
I would call Northern Auto Parts and order there master rebuild kit for your Vette and then yank the motor and let the guy rebuild it and install it. If he can't rebuild a SBC right then he needs to hang it up. Then when you are out of college and money is better I would by a used complete L98 and rebuild it the way you like and swap out the original. That way the original stays nice and you have the modified one to play with. Thats just my .02.


Yeah,I have thought about buying another motor, but I would need some kind of gurantee on it. I think I might just go ahead and rebuild this one. Although it is tempting to buy one, and then mod it. How will the value of the car be effected if I mod the numbers matching motor?

My price range is in the 3000 range.

My idea was just do a stock rebuild on the matching numbers motor so you can drive and enjoy the car. Then when ya out of college and in a better job you can buy a used L98 and rebuild that to whatever level you want ths saving the matching numbers motor from being damaged by an unfortunate accident.

Well I hope this guy can do it for me. I think that is the most sensible route. Rebuild the numbers matching motor stock, and aquire parts, and a new motor to build. That way I can freshen up the tranny, and differential along the way.

I still want to put the best parts in the car possible though.
rrubel said:
When you're ready to buy parts, I've got a source that I think has great prices. I bought a ton of stuff from them, and while they did steer me wrong on my heads, everything else was great.

Sealed Power is good, as is TRW and Federal Mogul. As was stated, they may all be the same company.

My suggestions:
- TRW forged pistons (cheaper than some cast, and stronger)
- Federal-Mogul or Clevite bearings
- ARP fasteners all around
- stock LT1 con rods - cheap, light, and strong. Can't ask for much more
- Fel-Pro gaskets all around - you can buy a rebuild kit with everything you need
- Speed-Pro plasma moly rings (I think Speed Pro is also a TRW company)
- a good roller timing chain
- stock LT-1 lifters
- decent valves that aren't hideously expensive

I can go on. What's your budget?

Do you want me to shoot you a PM about that source? Since the guy is going to pull it, and put it back in for free, my budget for parts is around 2000 to 2500. Is this enough or do I need more?
Vetteboy, Northern Auto Parts can get you the whole master kit which includes everything to rebuild that engine. Parts are all top brand like TRW,Clevite and Felpro. We have used there kits many times for rebuilds and they are always been good.


Okay, I will most definitely check out that link.
I couldn't find anything on that site, so I sent them an email about it. I am waiting to hear back from them.

I would like to put good parts in like forged pistons, and heavy duty race bearings. So that way if I would need to superchage it in the future there is no problem.

What kind of parts do I need to be able to supercharge this motor?
Vetteboy, the place I get my parts from is Competition Products - 800-233-0199 www.competitionproducts.com. Just have a good idea of what you want because they do try to change your mind sometimes - and not always for the best. I think if you're not buying heads from them, you should be OK... that's the only place they messed me up.

$2500 should be more than enough, I think. They've got some "generic" parts that are excellent deals but are race-quality. I've got their stainless valves (not springs - don't skimp on those) that are about a third the price of brand-name, for example.

What about the sets that Jeg's and Summit sells? Are those good rebuild kits?
give me a call sometime. i have a ton of parts lying around. i have 1 complete short block right now that just needs to be re-ringed. it's an 88 roller 350 block. all stock. just needs lifters, cam, heads, ect. comes with crank, rods, pistons, and block. was rebuilt and the rings washed out around 1200 miles. everything is good.

350 bucks + shipping.

or you can buy my WHOLE motor from mine for 2k + shipping. intake to oil pan. will be coming out next month.

443 310 3050

or if you have about a 1000 bucks you can get a rotating assembly and make him pay for the machine work and do a stroker :D


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