Agree with comments above, especially the electic meters.
OK, lets get basic, when shooting a specific interesting subject, keep the subject the main interest. For example, Shooting in the Railroad yards would be OK if the Railroad cars were not in total focus, you have managed to only put your car as PART of a picture with more then ONE interesting subject. So next time, bring the car up closer in the center, and loose the trains with making them more of the back ground. In other words your car is getting lost in your photos. Backgrounds should be backgrounds, not is total focus. The telephone poles and wires are distracting, they look like they are shooting out of your car...try to take special care on see what is behind the subject trees growing out of hood, telephone poles out of the trunk etc.
Your parrell street lines the water lines and the building lines all run parrellel with your car...again the CAR must be much closer and the building and water is only background.
You shot a an overcase day, next time try a flash as a fill to give your car some white shine, this will accent your cars lines and not make the entire picture the same contrast.
Also, best time to shoot is early morning, the shadows are small and air is clearer. Shooting with greys and whites make the pictures look dull, your red car is much brighter but you loose the contrast because of the dull cloudy conditions and the greys.
Go back to basics, get more of your car in the FRAME...try a three quarter side view with our front wheels turned outward, and shoot this photo about 3 to 4 feet off the ground. Use a telephoto lense, shoot from a distance and bring the car into full frame...use a fill flash and you will get a great shot.