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Insurance cost's for a C4?????????????

MD sucks da anus but NJ is worse! it might be a sue happy state but i came out on the short end of the stick being out about 140k from an auto accident. i recouped about 50% of my money and permenent low back, neck, and right shoulder pain for the rest of my life! :eyerole all thanks to a stupid dump truck driver that didn't know how to hit his brakes at a toll booth going to E-Town a few years ago.

Insurance in MD for my 87 vette and 82 Z/28 i pay 118 a month for full coverage on both.

MD sucks for living here due to the housing prices and apartment rent! being single i don't think even on 50k a year you could buy a nice house in the burbs and live comfortably! housing been going up on a single family middle class home 20-40+k a year and not slowing down! when i lived down in south carolina i could buy my 400k+ house with 1.1 acre for 100k and probably get a 2 car garage attatched!

5 more years and i'll be back down there :D

*Rant* off
Haven't heard the option of no collision mentioned....

I only carry liability and theft on my now over $70K project C3 (only $40-45K in /hardware real upgrades.)

I'd have to look at a C4 the same way. If you don't have it on payments and replacement cost of a cherry one is $10-20K - paying $1500-2000 more per year on insurance is simply not worth it.

Granted I wreck it, I pay for it. Granted some uninsured idiot hits me and I didn't evade him, then I have to collect his property at gunpoint. Still with all of this and some decent C4's going for $15 or even less, the insurance just may not be worth it.

Then again, I've never had collision on my traditional $3K beaters anyhow - and in 30 years of driving never would have benefitted from it anyhow.

Because my pile of debt, only 60% done at that, sold for more than it did new ($9500 over $6500 - and they foolishly valued it at $15K because it was a convertible!) my idiot insurance company wanted to put me on a "stated value" policy at over $3000 a year. I mentioned, um, that's a new one in three years (minus the enormous upgrades - mine is only a platform).

I checked and most here in the Dallas area agreed. Collector coverage had miles or use limits, and having averaged 40K/year on it in these three years, despite it having been down nearly a year total, that was of no interest to me.

So I asked them about liability and a theft coverage with something like a $2K deductible. (Steal the CD player and wheels and it was time for an upgrade anyhow - steal the whole car and it's a different story...) Comes out to something like $400 per year here in the high insurance Dallas area - like the rest of my fleet of junkers. That's a NEW car in three or four years from the difference.

Just a consideration.
Anything 88 or older is so cheap with these guys...


Thanks for the info...soon as the snow melts I think I'm going to give them a call...I thought they only insured "to and from" car show and parades only (must have misunderstood the broker).

Kenney said:

Thanks for the info...soon as the snow melts I think I'm going to give them a call...I thought they only insured "to and from" car show and parades only (must have misunderstood the broker).


You must prove you have a daily driver and they urge you to refrain from using the car for commuting, shopping, that kind of thing. I use mine strictly for pleasure so I am good to go...
At $275.00 per year full coverage and super low ($25) deductibles.
You must prove you have a daily driver and they urge you to refrain from using the car for commuting, shopping, that kind of thing. I use mine strictly for pleasure so I am good to go...
At $275.00 per year full coverage and super low ($25) deductibles.

I don't put 2000miles a year on mine, Sunday driver only...I think I paid $200 for fire theft over the winter, that's a great price, I think you sold me.
check out SNEED INS. the best i've found.

grundy told me they only insure more than 1 classic....bull ! according to what i'm reading here.
my 93, $359 yr, unlimited mileage w/agreed value
I am paying about $310 for six months with American Family. This is for liability, collision, un-insured motorist, etc.

Radar :)
American Family Insurance, Madison, WI, $3170.80 annual:
2002 Vette = 823.80 (my car)
2003 BMW X5 = 822.40 (my SUV)
2002 Jeep Gr Chk = 624.00 (wife's SUV)
1995 Riviera = 901.20 (17 yr old son's car)

However, quite a few years ago I got nailed with a "major speeding violation" (over 20mph over the speed limit), and the insurance company "rated" me for about a year and a half. My rates for my cars doubled for that period of time.
I'm a Texan and pay $440/6 mos for a 1993 through Geico. I think that's a deal considering I was paying the same for a BMW Z4.
Rob, ya got a number for those guys? I am fed up with AAA!
car insurance

kingman said:

I just received my yearly insurance bill listing all of my cars.

What troubles me is that l'm paying for my 96LT1 $1803 a year. Now if this was my main car or my daily driver l could care less, but only driving it approx 3000 miles per year, l think the cost is high. Regardless of how far l really drive l would tell an insurance company that l drive 5000 miles a year, all pleasure.

This is my question, am l getting ripped off or is this the going rate? If you live outside a major city in a semi rural area l know that your insurance will be lower.

Also l noticed that l do not get a discount for theft because they claim that the 96 vette does not have a theft control device. I think they call it number 111.

I'm insured through Liberty Mutual.

One more point, if you get into any accident and it cost the insurance company any more then $500 including tax or paying for his or your rental car it's the same if you cost the insurance company $50,000 as far as your rate increase and loss of any discount they gave you and this does not include surcharges.

Moral of the story if you get into a fender bender and the cost to remedy both cars is under a couple thou, pay for it yourself if you were in the wrong and did l leave out if you were wrong the ticket and the points on your license.

This is America the home of capitolism and still the best place to be.

I see that you leave in NJ. I have my car insured with a company out of Elmhurst, IL. The company name is Rally Ins. Group. My permium is base on the replacement value of your car. This company is just for collectables and classics. My car is valued at $30 thousand so I paid a permium of 502 a year full coverage but the mileage is limited. If you are interested the number is 1-800-801-1823 my agent name is Christine Keenan.
I hope this company can help.

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