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Ken's Engine Project... Part III - 2003

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Left head, right head - no difference right?

If I swap the sensors around for the auxillary (pusher) fan from the left head (driver side), to the right head (passenger side) temperature switch location, will there be any adverse effects? I know that it should not make any difference, except that the right head will give a slightly higher temperature, correct? That's probably why the sensor was in that place to begin with. At any rate, I gotta do it because in my great wisdom to purchase mechanical gauges, I discovered that the capillary tubing is not quite long enough to reach the right head, so I gotta put it in the left. :duh

Now I'm trying to figure out where to mount my oil temperature gauge, also mechanical (oil pressure is mechanical too ;)). The bungs in my Canton pan do not appear to be NPT threads and when I tried to use the original oil temperature sending location near the oil filter, I discovered then that I had no wrench to fit the thing! My metric set is in my truck, and my truck is at the Ford dealer having the emissions system (EGR) serviced/repaired (I had codes remember? ;)) :hb

I'm beginning to doubt that I'll ever have this thing on the road again.

Re: Left head, right head - no difference right?

Ken said:
If I swap the sensors around for the auxillary (pusher) fan from the left head (driver side), to the right head (passenger side) temperature switch location, will there be any adverse effects? I know that it should not make any difference, except that the right head will give a slightly higher temperature, correct? That's probably why the sensor was in that place to begin with. At any rate, I gotta do it because in my great wisdom to purchase mechanical gauges, I discovered that the capillary tubing is not quite long enough to reach the right head, so I gotta put it in the left. :duh

Now I'm trying to figure out where to mount my oil temperature gauge, also mechanical (oil pressure is mechanical too ;)). The bungs in my Canton pan do not appear to be NPT threads and when I tried to use the original oil temperature sending location near the oil filter, I discovered then that I had no wrench to fit the thing! My metric set is in my truck, and my truck is at the Ford dealer having the emissions system (EGR) serviced/repaired (I had codes remember? ;)) :hb

I'm beginning to doubt that I'll ever have this thing on the road again.


Isn't there inputs on the TEC3 for fans? I would almost rather control both through the ECM if it can be done
Ya know what? Your right Jeff, I think I can control both fans through the TEC3. :duh
The TEC3...

Remember last year when I discovered my speed density computer was bad (brand new from the dealer) because the air intake temperature was reading -40° F, in Bowling Green, Kentucky, when the ambient temperature was around 90° and humid as all get out. My kind of luck.

Well, my kind of luck strikes again it seems, or maybe it's Mr. Murphy who's kicking my ass again, but the TEC3 seems to be in bad order for some reason. The fan comes on but I get no green indicating light and no connection with my laptop. The computer worked, at least it showed that I was connected, before I left Chris' shop a couple of weeks ago. The thing is back at Electromotive now for diagnosis and necessary repairs, I should have it back by Thursday.

Everything else is ready to go; my dash is as complete as I can go until we get the computer thing worked out, and the gauges are installed (Well, except for the oil temp gauge - I gotta get it higher in the air so I can reach my dumb arms up in there; it's awkward and very difficult for me to reach while lying on my back.).

I've started laying in my sound deadener and insulation but have to hold off on the rest until I patch the floors around the roll bar attachment points. For that part, I've gotta figure out some sort of doughnut arrangement to fit around the roll bar where it enters the floors so the fiberglass repairs won't crack as soon as the car starts flexing.

The new seat brackets have been made and installed. I do still have to build a clutch pedal stop but that shouldn't take much effort or thought.

In the meantime, I just noticed a new post in the C4 sales forum that has some '96 CE pictures, and this one caught my eye:

I kinda like the earlier Vette rear end with the round tailights. ;)

Oh well, back to work. :L

_ken :w
You can make something simular to a Grommet by taking a legnth of fuel line (or simular tubing) and cutting it legnthwise
and fitting it where you need it. Lowes and others have all kinds of sizes and colors.

You can take a piece of fuel line 9/32, 3/8, 5/26", etc. and slit it down the side and cut to length. It will lip over the edge of the body and create a grommet for the bar to go through.

I use this trick all the time when I need a grommet, but can't pull the thing I am grommeting out to slip a once piece one into place.

Add a dab of weather strip adhesive, and it will stay put and look good.
We'll see if that trick will work guys, although I'm kinda concerned about the area where the bar goes through the floor to the rear frame rails; there's not much room between the floor and the frame. I'll try it. :upthumbs
For larger diameter tubes, i.e., 1¨ or larger we use a donut cut from a piece of Polyurethane insulation, the stuff the AC people use, if you really compress it and trim it well it looks ok and is fairly resilient. Most paint does not attack it. When we paint it with Hammerite it looks like the ¨factory put it there¨.

Just another $.02 from the other side of the world.

BTW Ken, don’t worry about the women, I want your DASH.:Roll
The women? Women don't want me! :confused

I found some foam-type stuff today at OSH that I think will work. It's only 1-7/8" ID but I think we can work with that. ;)

I got most of the sound deadening material in now too, but I have to wait on the rest until I finish the floors. That's no big deal; I just wanna get the damn thing running again. :L

Thanks for the compliments on the dash Spanish. :cool

_ken :w

I finally heard it run today after six months of sitting idle. It ain't running enough to be drivin' it around yet, but still, I'm so ****ing happy just to hear it run again!!

We've still gotta hook up the cam sync sensor, and I still gotta come up with an idea for mounting a clutch pedal stop and get the oil temperature gauge connected, then it should be real close to dyno time!

Sometime next week I should get it in the body shop to repair and seal the floors around the roll bar mounts, then I can finish re-installing the interior pieces and carpeting. You can see some of the sound deadener I'm using in the following photos, it's the blue stuff on the floors. I think it's gonna work.



It's starting to look like a dash board again, finally!!


_ken :v
Oh, almost forgot! When we lit a fire in it today, it attracted a fellow gearhead from halfway down the block. He just had to come over to see what was going on. :cool

_ken :bu
Engine Light on....

Hi Bro_Ken !!! :w
If you remember, when you were here, you just drove your truck over a few rough bumps, and that apperantly dislodged whatever it was setting off the sensor ! Then we drove it to AutoZone, and they re-set the check engine light ! Man, your 'vette is coming together and looking AWESOME !!! I hope to see it in person soon.

How ya been Steve! :w

This time the EGR sensor was shorted completely; it must have been on its way last year when I was with you. You saw that eh, where BAR has disallowed the use of scanners by auto parts stores here in California. I couldn't pull a code as easily as we did last year in Florida. I did try to reset it by disconnecting the battery, and it did go away, for a while. :L

Take care Bro! :CAC
I'll be at Ruby's Cruise in Redondo Beach tonight!!!

:J :D :J :D :J :D :J :D
I never made it to Ruby's Cruise in Redondo Beach tonight.

Something took a **** on my car - it wouldn't start when I tried to leave this afternoon. We had it out and about today, dialing it in, and thought we had everything to the point where it is driveable around town. We haven't adjusted for WOT under load yet so that part ain't dialed-in.

When I went to go, it would crank but would not fire. I changed the crank trigger sensor for a second time thinking maybe that was bad, but changing it didn't work. Stll no crank signal. ;shrug

I am so ****ed off right now, I actually feel like getting ****ed, and I haven't had a drink in over three-and-a-half years. :hb

:( :cry :( :cry :( :cry
The day started out bright, and I was optimistic...







I know this sounds hard to do but walk away from it a couple of days and come back refreshed. It is probably something simple. take the instructions for your electronics and start from the beginning, they should have a troubleshooting section. Sometimes we cant see the forest for the trees or something like that.
Looks Good !!!!!
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