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Need carb... which is best?

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Exactly! I didn't mean it as an afront when I quoted just part of your post earlier. I know that when I was exploring my carb options for the first time a while back I tended to key on individual sentences like that one and think "oooh, I need more CFM". I don't pretend to know more than other people I'm just trying to make sure that a fellow member doesn't fall down the same rabit hole I did... I'll check out the book you recommended. I'm actually a pretty big Q-Jet fan.

MrGibbly said:
...Exactly! I didn't mean it as an afront when I quoted just part of your post earlier. I know that when I was exploring my carb options for the first time a while back I tended to key on individual sentences like that one and think "oooh, I need more CFM". I don't pretend to know more than other people I'm just trying to make sure that a fellow member doesn't fall down the same rabit hole I did... I'll check out the book you recommended. I'm actually a pretty big Q-Jet fan....
No, I am no expert and agree with your point about the smaller carb. ;) Hey the 795 CFM carb is a bloody big carb, but it also has a very large airflow and jetted the right way, will increase HP especially with cold air collected from infront of the radiator.
I actually use less fuel and have more power now with the 795 CFM Edelbrock Q Jet than with the 650 CFM Holley and that was straight out of the box. All I can put it down to is the airflow and correct jetting. I would say the Holley was flooding the engine and starving it of air.
The book, it is good reading and full of tips, enjoy!

I went w/ the Edelbrock Performer and the 1405 carb earlier this year and it was a very very good upgrade. It runs like a dream and I can weave in and out of traffic quite nicely. yes Im "that guy." But heres a link that I hope helps you make the decision to go w/ edelbrock. http://corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49308The only thing that might have to be adjusted is if you have AC but i dont know if thats an option on your 70'.

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