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Off-again/on-again super-Corvette is definitely on, GM performance cars chief says


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
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Off-again/on-again super-Corvette is definitely on, GM performance cars chief says

AutoWeek | Published 05/01/06, 2:38 pm et

That off-again/on-again super-Corvette is definitely on, according to General Motors performance cars chief Tom Wallace.

Wallace, who replaced recently retired Corvette chief engineer Dave Hill, tells AutoWeek the biggest challenge facing the so-called Blue Devil Corvette is figuring out how to get 600 hp to the ground in such a way that it can be handled by a driver with the money to buy the car.

Wallace said GM is considering requiring that Blue Devil—and even Z06—buyers attend a driver school as part of the price of admission.
I think they should have a driver school!
Vinn said:
I think they should have a driver school!
They should also implement a waiver system for situations where the new owner can provide evidence of having successfully completed an equivalent school, or if they are an instuctor. Of course, the waiver should also result in a reduction of the purchase price...like the old C2 "radio delete" option.
Vinn said:
I think they should have a driver school!

They could include the cost of a driving school in the purchase price. Then and only when the new prospective owner completes the school will the car be delivered. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
For many pilots who are buying a new airplane. If they have not been rated for that particular, aircraft they have go do to a flight school to learn it. The class usually includes ground school to learn about the aircraft, flight simulator, and finally time in the real thing. The pilot is not signed off on the aircraft unless they have demonstrated competence. Many aircraft manufactures use Flight Safety International to educate the new aircraft owner. <o:p></o:p>
Now, that does not prevent these individuals from going out and doing something stupid. Does JFK Jr. ring a bell? But when these guys do something stupid they tend to rid the population of bad genes<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> ;)</v:shapetype>. We just pray that they do not take innocent lives with them. Does JFK Jr. ring a bell?<o:p></o:p>
:w <o:p></o:p>
Considering the price is likely to be at or over $100 large, I don't think throwing in a week at Bondurant or something would too terribly impact the bottom line.
Evolution1980 said:
Considering the price is likely to be at or over $100 large, I don't think throwing in a week at Bondurant or something would too terribly impact the bottom line.
If you can afford the car you can afford the school . I think it's a good idea.
You get a driving school when you buy the FXX! I still play the Mega Millions twice a week, just in case!! :D

Does that mean if you fail the test, you can't buy the car? Give me a break.
BruceBed said:
Does that mean if you fail the test, you can't buy the car? Give me a break.

No. There wouldn't be a test. You would simply attend the one or two day school, get the certificate, then get your car. What you do from that point on would be up to you. But hopefully you would come away with a better understanding of what this car can and cannot do and how to get yourself out of a situation that could kill you, or worse someone else.

Just remember this, if the automakers fail to do something about the ever increasing number of accidents with these high horsepower cars, the government will. Just like they did in the '70's. Why do you think that having a NOS with a filled bottle ready to go in your car is illegal in many of the states?

I know that a vette is no airplane, although it is faster than some I've flown:L, but if you fail a pilots exam or annual check ride you get your ticket to fly taken away.


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