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Opinions please about gentlly cleaning undercarriage

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I have a totally original 62, in fact it's a 1990, first year Bloomington Gold Survivor and Regional Top Flight car. Common with original cars it's very clean but not concourse. I want to gentlly clean some of the grease on the undercarriage that's built up through the years. It's mostly around the grease fittings, on the tie rods, the wheel hubs, the back od the brakes, oil pan all that kind of stuff. I don't want take the paint off or take the chance of destroying anything. Somone told me that dishwasher detergent would do with a soft brush. Has anyone done this type of cleaning? Thank you in advance.
I have used Simple green with good results. I have also used Fantastick (sp). I used both full strength by spraying on and lots of shop towels and old tooth brushes.

Simple Green, Purple Power, or Mean Green get my vote.:thumb


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