Well I found a good match with Duplicolor's Black Trim Paint. I cleaned the parts really good with Simple Green, then dish detergent (great for getting off grease) and finally a wipedown with rubbing alcohol. I also scuffed up the old paint with a scotchbrite pad and after cleaning it again, was ready to paint. I first taped off all the chrome trim and then shot it with several thin coats of the paint, waiting at least 10 minutes between coats. After 3 coats I was satisfied with the coverage and let it sit half an hour before removing the masking. Then I set it aside for when I can put it back in. I took this time also to clean the glasswork, gauges and replace the bulbs
I went ahead and repainted all the console panels (except for the HVAC controls because I haven't figured out how to disconnect it from all the vacuum lines yet but I will do it as well since it's in the worst condition.).
To redo the lettering I sanded off the black paint on the letters but was not happy with the result so I used a silver paint to trace over the letters with great results. And now for the pics!
After repaint:
Other pieces repainted and cleaned up: