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Rare 1966 Corvette Coupe F/S

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
Below is a link to my 1966 Sunfire Yellow Black interior #matching 4 speed, ordered without a Radio rare Corvette. I still have not figured out how to post pic so if someone want to go to the link and post pic off of it that would be great. This car sold at a Mecum Auction in 2007 for $60,669 and I have the sale paper for it. This a a real bargin at $49,500.00 It is best to call my cell to get a hold of me 317-945-5121
1966 Corvette Coupe For Sale Indiana|1966 Sunfire Yellow Coupe Rare
Mike, here's a few. If anyone's interested there are more picks at the photobucket site mentioned in the original post.
Very nice looking from the pictures..........
Andy Anderson :w





Mike, you've done all the hard work in getting your pictures into Photobucket, posting them is easy from there.

When you put your mouse over the picture a 'menu' drops down. Just slide your cursor down to the one that says IMG CODE, highlight the code in the box,(it will look something like this


right click the mouse and select 'copy'. Then return to your post right click and select 'paste' the img code will be pasted into your post and at that point when you click 'submit reply' the picture will show up.
Looks like you've got it! :thumb
Hi Mike


Just trying to post a pic.

You also can post pictures by clicking on the the paperclip icon on the top of the post screen. It will open a window that have manage attachments. click on browse computer. It will take you to your computer, go to the file that you keep your pictures in and click on the the picture(s) you want.

After that, click upload and the pictures files will be shown on this screen.
close this screen and click (submit reply) and the pictures will show up on your post. I have done that with my picture

Thanks Jask, I will work on it. Right now I am most interested in selling this 66 Coupe.
This is a very rare 1966 Corvette. Only 2339 were built Sunfire Yellow and out of that figure 1/2 or more were roadsters and this one is a Coupe. Plus out of 27720 total 1966 Corvettes built only 1357 were not ordered with the Radio option and if you figure 10 colors, 1/3 coupes and 2/3 roadsters then there may be only about 45 other Funfire Yellow Corvettes Coupes ordered without the radio option. That is figuring that none were distroyed in a crash or sent over seas or parted out. That make this car rare.
That's one beautiful 66 Mike. I think I'd keep this one.:thumb
Great looking Corvette. You should have no trouble selling her. :w

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