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Yesterday coming home from work I was rear -ended while sitting at a stop light. The young lady that hit me had to be doing 45 mph. She even came from the left lane to do it. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance to be checked out. Only pinched nerves and severe neck and back sprain. The damage to the vette is unknown as I have not been assigned an adjuster yet. The young lady that hit me is 20 yrs. old, driving an Enterprise Rental because her brother totaled her car in another accident 3 weeks ago. Her insurance company(Allstate) told me that Enterprise's insurance company(?) would be the primary insurer and I would be getting a call whenever it was assigned. I just got the vette last February for my 56th birthday and after investing $3200 in her, finally got it running and looking good. Talk about bad luck......Sorry to bother you all with this, but I had to talk to someone and I knew You guys could feel my pain....Thanks, Hoss:drink
:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

I'm glad to hear that you had no major injuries (or worse), but very sorry to hear about your Vette! :cry

Sounds like that family needs a group driving lesson! :mad

Keep us posted on your baby's condition...

Barb :w

(PS) If you've never been to a chiropractor before, now might be the time to start thinking about it - they do wonders for me!
BBB454 said:
Sounds like that family needs a group driving lesson! :mad

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience, 77vette. Hope everything works out for you. :(
Glad to hear that you were not seriously injured. I would feel just plain awful if my 81 was to take hit.....:cry I feel your pain. Hope you can get your 77 fixed up better than new and soon. Some people should stick to riding the bus :( sounds like you met one. Good luck:w

I'm glad you escaped with out more serious injuries, but I am sure you are hopelessly bummed about your Vette. How awful to wait so long for something, work hard to get to enjoy it, and run into, rather...have someone run into you....it's just not fair.

Please let us know how you are doing. Nerves can be tricky healers. I have a funky one in my hip that surprises me quite often, from an accident (passenger) over 12 years ago.


This is indeed a sad sorry to read this evening. I feel your pain about the vette. But I also feel ther physical pain you must be enduring.
I hope that your sprians heal with no troubles in later years.
Also hope that the insurance company, whoever it is, takes in consideratiion the value of the vette and gets it fixed right the first time.
Please let us know how things come out.
As always, the CAC folks are always here fro you a nd anyone who needs help or to just let out their frustration.


We're all glad your injuries were not extreme, though the ones you have certainly should be considered "serious". Personally, I'd be asking someone how a Rental Agency rented a car to a 20 year old. I have BS degreed EE's and ME's that work for me that I can't send on business travel because they are only 23 and neither Avis or Hertz will rent a car to them, even using the company contract. Sounds shaky, and I wouldn't let Allstate off the hook so easily either. Let us know if the '77 can be salvaged. That had to hurt more than all the other aches and pains.

Get Well Soon and Good Luck

Regards......... Nut
Jeez man, I would've cried!

Good to hear you're not feeling too badly but awfully sorry bout the Vette. Sounds like you realized my worst fear of driving our Vette. I live in Manassas and comute on 66 everyday to Vienna and the week after we got the Vette I was sandwiched b/w a toyota and a blazer in the Monte Carlo. Before I even got out of the car I told my wife that the Vette would never come to work with us. If you're missing the Vette too much, and I'm sure you are, come down to the weekly Burger King cruise on 28 in Manassas (near Manassas airport) Saturday and I'll let you take mine for a spin around the block, of course that's only with a doctors permission slip.

Hope you and the Vette are back to normal soon!
I know it's not much consolidation to tell you to feel lucky you came out of this accident with sprains and aches when you're aching because of your Corvette!!!! Be sure to let the insurance company know of the improvements you've made already since it was purchased...and be sure to let us know how everything goes.

Lemon Peel aka Elaine
Can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Glad your ok.

Me too

82-Guy said:
Can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Glad your ok.



I TOO am sorry to hear of the accident. Alot of us can absolutely feel your pain and I can relate seeing as though someone (s) broke into my vette last weekend and ripped the CRAP out of her, the carpets, dash and stereo were wrecked. Some electrical damage as well. I hope it all works out good for you. It's not fun getting in accidents. Take care of YOURSELF and keep us updated too! Feel better:w
What else can one say?

Hoss, hope you get better soon and everything works out OK with the insurance and the vette.

Jenni, was wondering why you had been so quiet last week. I think I would go into an unadulterated rage if someone did that to Xena.

Keep the faith,
72 Bluz
72 Bluz,

I've been quiet from being ****ed off! :mad NO, I'm over the anger part just been busy with my 'corvette guys' and insurance company trying to get it all straightened out. My vette was at the Manheim Auction in PA and today (thank god!) they took responsibility for my loss and paid me some $$$, not nearly what my system was worth but at least they did something. :eyerole I learned over time not to get ****ed about things that go wrong with my vette, I"m lucky to even OWN one and when things go wrong it's just an incentive to keep up the faith
:cool and smile and know that it'll all work out in the end!!!! And the same will happen for you HOSS :) !!!

That's a good attitude

It's just tough to maintain during an act of sheer meanness, I know.

72 Bluz
Thanks for the words of encouragement you guys.....I feel better already, mentally and physically....I am still waiting on Enterprise and Allstate to decide which one of them is going to accept liability so we can move forward with this.....I keep bugging the crap out of them.....hopefully they will soon make a decision.....I will keep you posted. Thanks, Hoss:w


Glad to here your O.K. and no one was hurt. Reading that you were rear-ended around 45 mph, sounds as if your lucky to be alive. FYI - GET A LAWER.
Not so much so you can sue for damages, but simply to protect yourself. Fact is, the insurance company will low ball your 77's. worth, it will probably be cheaper for them to total it. Check the blue book, thats about all you will get, unless you had some special provision with your insurance company.

I hate to be so negitive, but depending on the car itself, and the total damage, and what it will cost to fix, now might be a good time to start shopping. Hows a rag top sound?
Keep us posted.
Here's the update....Enterprise's insurance company (ELCO) is accepting liability and had Crawford & Co. estimator go out to the vette yesterday and do the estimate. He faxed it to me this morning ($4500.). They say it can be fixed as good as it was before....we'll see. I checked around for body repair shops and Stingrays Auto Body in Purcellville, Va was mentioned more than once, so that's who will do the work. It's being towed there today and I am going there tomorrow to meet with the owner and discuss the repairs. Hopefully I'll be back on the road with IM BHAVN (license plate) before to long. Hoss.:w
Great news Hoss! I hope to see you at Burger King before the season is thru.
Sorry about the vette but I'm glad it is sounding like it will work out okay.

I found the fastest way to make the insurance company settle up, is to rent a car comparable to the one you lost AND charge it back to the insurance company. You should immediately go out and rent a C5. Afterall, you're a vette driver, and you deserve it.

Seems to me there might be a catch in there somewhere, but that's what the lawyer will work out.


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