I bought new speakers for my '79, but there's not enough room to mount them in the stock location without making custom boxes. I found a box from Ecklers (http://www.ecklers.com/product.asp?pf%5Fid=27619&dept%5Fid=1021&mscssid=FEWJT9CAAWS92LQK00N0SM2EP36CA8T3) Does anyone know how deep of a speaker this will accomodate and if it's any good or not? They have pics for the black box and it looks like it would fit nicely. Changing to different speakers isn't an option either because I'm in love with the sound quality of these (even if they're temporarily mounted and ugly). The only other option that I could think of is have a box (or boxes) custom made, but I'm afraid the color match of the carpet wouldn't be very good, that's why I'm leaning towards something from a Corvette company. Any ideas?