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Restored Corvette Burns in SE Bend Garage


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Restored Corvette Burns in SE Bend Garage

Fortunately, Smoke Alarm Sounded; Owners Had Extinguisher
By Alicia Inns and Barney Lerten, KTVZ.COM

BEND, Ore. -- A smoke alarm in the garage and fast use of a fire extinguisher kept a fire in a restored 1956 Corvette parked in a SE Bend home’s garage Friday night from being even worse, or burning the home as well, authorities said.

Full Story: Restored Corvette Burns in SE Bend Garage - News Story - KTVZ Bend
I think I will go to home depot tomorrow and buy a smoke alarm for the garage. :w
Got both - battery cut-off (thumbscrew type), and two smoke detectors in the garage (wired into the house detectors).

Don't want no car-b-ques here! :eek
Yeah, Dis-connect is the only way to go. I'd rather replace a battery than have a fire because of a chewy mouse or other electrical issue, no battery tender for me.
The thumbscrew type are the easiest to install and don't cost much. Probably best for a collector car that you don't want to modify. I have a Painless remote battery cut off for my stepside that disconnects via a switch that is controlled by a remote mounted toggle switch. Just flip the switch when you park and the battery is dead. It has a bypass circuit that keeps the clock and other memories running but won't support starting or a big voltage drain like a short circuit that would cause a fire.


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