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I have a 2017 Grand Sport which just had its 1st oil change and filter at 384 miles. I requested that the dealer use Mobil 1, Extended Performance 5-30; they did so but reluctantly as I was informed that GM specifies use of dexos oil. First I have ever heard of dexos1 oil required - the svc rep went so far as to state that the warranty would not be good if I used Mobil 1. Just checked the facts sheets on Mobil 1 and it states that Mobil 1 has the following builder approvals, GM dexos 1, license #........

Have I just thrashed my warranty?? There is a Mobil 1 logo by the oil input and the owners manual actually recommends Mobil 1 if the vehicle is being used under race and/or track conditions!!! Seems to me that Mobil 1 is better than dexos1!

Any clarifications on this would be appreciated - thanks!
I have a 2017 Grand Sport which just had its 1st oil change and filter at 384 miles. I requested that the dealer use Mobil 1, Extended Performance 5-30; they did so but reluctantly as I was informed that GM specifies use of dexos oil. First I have ever heard of dexos1 oil required - the svc rep went so far as to state that the warranty would not be good if I used Mobil 1. Just checked the facts sheets on Mobil 1 and it states that Mobil 1 has the following builder approvals, GM dexos 1, license #........

Have I just thrashed my warranty?? There is a Mobil 1 logo by the oil input and the owners manual actually recommends Mobil 1 if the vehicle is being used under race and/or track conditions!!! Seems to me that Mobil 1 is better than dexos1!

Any clarifications on this would be appreciated - thanks!

That is incorrect. You will NOT void your warranty by using Mobil 1, however, you may be required to pay for requesting Mobil 1 to be used instead of Dexos for your free oil change.
dexos1 VS Mobil 1

Thank you for the response, I will sleep better now!
I have a 2001 Corvette and I have a 2015 Equinox and the Chevrolet dealer told me to change it to mobile one oil in my Equinox

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I'm confused...

From what I can find on the net, it appears that AC Delco Dexos1 is made by ExxonMobil. Can anyone confirm this? I found some documents that sort of confirm this...


ExxonMobil Remains Lubricants Supplier for General Motors' Dealer Network

Just curious...What is the price difference in an oil change at a GM dealer if you specify Mobil1 instead of AC Delco Delos1? (after your free change)

Why would a dealership service rep tell a customer that an approved by GM oil could void his warranty?

Lack of training, scare tactics, ignorance? Or, is this entirely dollar driven and is the profit margin that much greater using the "approved" oil...

Personally, If I was GM management, I'd be having a serious discussion with that place.

As a side note, the dealer that I take both my Jag and Land Rover to tells me that JLR recommends Castrol synthetic but has absolutely no issues with me requesting/using Mobil 1.

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