Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

Supporting Membership Program Upgraded


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Some members have expressed an interest in donating to help offset the operational costs of the Corvette Action Center. As a result, I put together a Supporting Membership plan that is strictly voluntary for all members.

Supporting Members help offset the cost of operating the Corvette Action Center web site. With all the new upgrades and extra room planned, the cost to operate the site continues to increase. We've been able to keep the entire site free to members and non-members and will continue to do so. The Supporting Membership program is completely voluntary and not required for forum membership. It's a simple way to help support the site and provides you with a few extra membership benefits.

Supporting Members get:

  1. A special Supporting Member tag under your username:
  2. Access to the Supporting Members only forum.
  3. The ability to upload videos to the Corvette Action Center's Videos section.
  4. The ability to have up to 6 cars in the Garage Section.
  5. Save up to 300 Private Messages.
  6. Larger signatures with more images and videos.

The cost of Supporting Membership is $26.00 per year. To become a Supporting Member please click on the "Settings" in the forums tool bar, then scroll down the left column to "Paid Subscriptions" on the left and click on it. Simply follow the instructions from there.

For members who would not like to use the online form of payment, you can send a check or money order made out to: Torque Network:

Torque Network
c/o Corvette Action Center
562 Fairfield St.
Manchester, NH 03104

Please be sure to include your forum username on your check or money order.

If your forum title has not been changed to "Supporting Member" within 7-days, or if your online payment e-mail address doesn't match the e-mail address you registered with, please contact us with your forum username and the e-mail address you entered for your online payment processing. Thank you!

Thanks for your support!

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