The DIC on my -97 is only showing 12,8 volts. The generator leavs 14,6 volts to the battery. c4c5 mentioned something abaut
Tech-2 calibration a wile agao.
Had the car at a GM schop but they never heard of it. So....
How is it done or were can i read abaut in the manual.
I have limited acsess to a Tech-2.
The DIC on my -97 is only showing 12,8 volts. The generator leavs 14,6 volts to the battery. c4c5 mentioned something abaut
Tech-2 calibration a wile agao.
Had the car at a GM schop but they never heard of it. So....
How is it done or were can i read abaut in the manual.
I have limited acsess to a Tech-2.