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The Corvette Action Center Loses a Family Member


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
It is with much grief and heavy-heart that I must announce the loss of one of our Administrators, Jane Ann (XLR8).

At 6:45am this morning Jane Ann lost her battle with cancer and moved on to a much better place, free of pain and suffering.

Jane Ann was a valuable member of our community for nearly 8 years, and through her loving heart, kindness and ability to help new members, she quickly became a valuable member of our staff here. She often resided in the New Member Introductions forum, C4 and C5 forums, and the Site Help and Feedback forum. She was always quick to welcome new members to our community and point them in the right direction as to how the forums function and where they might find answers to their questions throughout the site. When it came to Moderating these forums, she was always fair, professional and saw the best in everyone. She was a true southern Belle from Mississippi and had the manners and professionalism that touched everyone she came in contact with.

For me personally, her loss has hit me hard.

I met Jane Ann several years ago at one of our first CruiseFests in Bowling Green. She had a loud, cheerful voice, and a hearty laugh that you could not soon forget. As she often did here in the forums, she was quick to jump behind the desk and help out with welcoming the members as they arrived at the event.

Over the years, she went above and beyond just moderating the forums and actually helped me test various sections of the CAC site before rolling them out. Her innocent, objective view was always most welcome and she was always so happy to help and watch the CAC grow and mature. Through emails, private messages and occasional phone calls, we shared many laughs and a few tears.

Most of all, she was always there with encouraging words when I was feeling down or having issues with the site. She believed so strongly in the Corvette Action Center and my goals and dreams for the site. She shared in my joy and happiness or my sadness and tears whenever it came to dealing with CAC-related issues.

She was not just a member or an Administrator here - she was a friend, a confidant, and family. Her loss of presence here will be felt for a long time to come. I'm sure she is in a much better place now - probably at the gates, welcoming others as they arrive just as she did here.

Jane Ann: you will forever remain a part of this community and this web site and I am truly honored to have had the chance to meet and work with you over the years. Hopefully you are enjoying your Corvette up there as you did here and always remember girl....walk softly but carry a big light saber!

Rest in Peach Jane Ann...


"For every person with a spark of genius, there are a hundred with ignition trouble." - Jane Ann


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At this time, services and arrangements have not been announced by the family, however, several members of the staff here are in contact with them.

I will update this thread with information as it becomes available to us.

The Corvette Action Center will do something collectively, but right now, we are waiting to hear from the family in terms of how they will proceed with everything.
Jane Ann will be missed greatly. Personally hearing of the loss of Jane Ann my heart is aching, and I am finding it difficult to accept. She stood for, and helped establishing the quality and family virtues we believe in. Jane Ann has been a pillar of constancy and one of our greatest Ambassadors.
This day weighs heavy on my heart, as I am sure it does with many others. I know this fine Lady ”My Mississippi Girl” will be missed by all of us. Our loss is Heavens gain and I am sure Jane Ann is cherished there as she was every minute she shared with us.

Gods speed Jane Ann. You are now in God’s loving arms and now reside in a place without pain or suffering. You leave behind what many dream of, and your spirit shall live on here at our Community.

Jane Ann

All my best to the family. I didn't know her, but from everything I read of her posts, she hadda be quite a fun companion. I know a girl in the BMW club and she's the same way with cars, her favorite phrase being "keys please!"... It's the enthusiasm that I love and Jane was obviously that. Take care JA. :w

...and I won't even mention my attitude toward the ongoing existence of cancer :mad
Jane Ann was the perfect representation of politeness and the epitome of respectful.
I met Jane Ann on at least one occasion, as she was one of our CruiseFest Idol judges back in 2006. Of course, she was the effervescent "Paula" that was always the person one could count on to be positive no matter how 'bad' they were.

She was an excellent addition to the CAC Staff and she filled filled very big, very needed shoes. When it comes to the CAC making a positively welcoming first impression on people, she was unsurpassed. She will be missed greatly.



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Thanks for sharing. I'm very sorry to hear of Jane Ann's passing - I knew she had a stroke recently but she quickly recovered, and I had no idea that she had cancer. I knew of her back issues but that was about it.

This is a real shock for me because as you said, she was a very sweet lady and was always there to welcome everyone, especially those new to the site.

She will be greatly missed.

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It's a very sad day for those who knew Jane Ann. She was a truly unique and wonderful person, and that's not a platitude. God's speed.
I, too, met Jane Ann at cruisefest 2005 (IIRC). She was a very wonderful person and made Rosie and I feel welcome, when we felt like outsiders. I will miss her deeply.
I, too, met Jane Ann at cruisefest 2005 (IIRC). She was a very wonderful person and made Rosie and I feel welcome, when we felt like outsiders. I will miss her deeply.

Yes, it just won't be the same in here without Jane Ann.
She was my friend

I got to know Jane Ann on this forum. I remember meeting her in Bowling Green during one of the cruise-ins. When we arrived, she was the first to greet me with a big bear hug. She was always wise and gentle. But she could also slice you in two with her tongue, while remaining a charming Southern Belle the whole time. She was very smart.

After I stopped being a moderator on the CAC, JAG was one of the people that I stayed in touch with. I live in Boise, and she lived in Hattiesburg. So whenever Boise State and Southern Mississippi played football, we would have a friendly wager. I will toast my friend with a beer in a glass that I won from her in one of our bets. She was my friend
RIP Jane Ann, my God, I don't know what else to say... Such a lovely person, who I never had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face. She will truly be missed...
My life is better for having known Jane Ann. I miss her already.

Like most folks here, I met Jane Ann through the CAC and we 'clicked' immediately. As the years went by, we grew closer as friends and shared many laughs as well as a few tears. She was like my big sister and I love her dearly and deeply. I am still in shock over how quickly Jane Ann was taken.

Rest in the comfort of God's arms, Jane Ann until we meet again... My sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers to Jane Ann's family and friends, especially Jeannie and Brenda.

Never had the privilege to do face time with Jane Ann. I only knew here on-line persona...which I always liked.

Let's all take a moment.....

....then raise our glasses to absent friends.

Jane Ann...your in a better place now. You go girl!!
This was a shock ,I knew she had cancer and had a stroke but I really didn't think she would go so fast (or at all) .Jane Ann was a very good friend ,We got together every time I was in Mississippi we went to the fancy eatin' places that she would pick out .Man that women knew where to eat ,some of the best meals I've ever had was with Jane Ann .We ate and laughter together ,she was one of the kindest people I've ever met .On the forum she was the voice of reason and always had my back .We would email and talk about once a month and I was going to drive over to see her about six weeks ago but I felt she would rather had been alone ,one of my biggest regrets was that I didn't go any way .God bless you Jane Ann ,I'll never forget you .
So Sad

I am just shocked to hear that Jane Ann has passed. What a great lady and I am so glad to have known her through CAC. She was always quick to help me or anyone else with a question or problem. I'm going to miss her. I hope her family knows how much she meant to all of us here on CAC.


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