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News: Three Charged in Arson of Corvette


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Three Charged in Arson of Corvette

Posted on March 03, 2013
Southern Maryland Headline News

Investigators say the owner could not afford payments on the $77,000 car

NANJEMOY, Md. (March 1, 2013) -- Deputy State Fire Marshals have charged three Charles County women with arson related charges in connection with a December 9, 2012 vehicle fire in Nanjemoy. The three charged were identified as Nichelle C. Underwood, age 44, her sister Tanya R. Mathis, age 40, both of the 4800 block of Flossmore Place in Waldorf; and Angela Y. Hemsley, age 49, of the 10600 block of Jackson Hole Place in White Plains.

The 2007 Chevrolet Corvette was discovered completely destroyed in the early morning hours by a Charles County Sheriff’s Office deputy while on patrol in the area of Friendship Landing Park. Deputy State Fire Marshals, with the assistance of Charles County Sheriff’s Office detectives, determined the vehicle was intentionally ignited. Investigators determined that Underwood purchased the vehicle in August of 2012 for $77,000 and was not able to make the $1,300.00 monthly payments. Investigators later determined that Underwood involved her sister, Tanya Mathis, who subsequently contacted Hemsley. Hemsley agreed to burn the vehicle for a $500 fee.

Full Story: Three Charged in Arson of Corvette - Southern Maryland Headline News
$77,000 for a 2007 Corvette purchased in 2012? Are the police going to go after whoever sold it to her for fraud??


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